Chapter 9: Drowned

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Katherine Wright

I was running towards a voice. The voice was beautiful and full of love and longing. It was calling my name over and over. It was a man's voice. I ran faster. Soon the beautiful voice screamed my name in horror. I ran faster thinking it needs my help. And finally I saw a pond. And saw a man thrashing in the water calling my name. Without a second thought i jumped into the water I moved my arms and legs in order to save him. That's when I realized that I couldn't swim. I was still moving towards him but suddenly he started moving to the other side. And he was swimming away. He could swim. But I couldn't. I heard the same voice again. The voice which was now laughing at my stupidity. I was crying for help. I begged him to help me. But he didn't he just laughed. I gave up and accepted my fate. I was completely underwater now no longer fighting for my life. And now I heard another voice calling my name.

"Katherine. Katherine wake up."

"Snap out of it!"

My eyes shot up meeting a pair of worried one. I sat up and scurried away. I saw all sorts of wires around attached to me. There was a constant beeping noise. I felt suffocated. I had blocked everything else out. Without thinking anything else I started ripping them out. I pair of hands were trying to stop me but I wasn't going to. I pain shot up in my arm. I looked at it only to see blood dripping. I winced giving the pair of hands a chance to grab my shoulders. I looked at him. It was Alexander. I was still breathing heavily. I saw his lips moving but my brain couldn't register any sound.  Then suddenly he vigorously shook my shoulders. That seemed to break my trance.

"Katherine. Katherine!!!"

"He's he's gonna uh huh huh kill me uh. He dr-drowned me. He kill killed meh uh. I'm I'm de dead." I said heavily.

"Katherine you are not dead ok. Look at me. Just focus on me. I'm here with you. I won't let anyone get near let alone try to kill you. I'm here, your brother. Trust me baby. I wont let a hair fall out of its place. I promise okay baby." Alexander said quickly. He said it with so much love and care. It was so foreign to me. Nobody has ever shown me this kind of love. And for once I wanted to trust someone I wanted to believe him.

So I wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could. He looked taken aback making me question my actions. But he instantly wrapped his arms around me. One on my back  and the other gently caressing my hair lovingly. I just had my first hug in life. And it made me feel so secure. I different calmness came over me.

"Yo-you pro-promise?" I asked shakily.

"I promise baby. Just relax. Feel my heartbeat. Okay."

"Please don't leave me."

"Never. I'm here. I'll never leave you. I promise."

I pulled back when I calmed down. I was embarrassed of what I did. They will definitely kick me out now. They must think I'm crazy. I saw each one of my brother looking at me with saddened eyes. I also saw a beautiful brunette women looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay Kat?" The voice send down chills through my spine. It was the same voice from my dream. When I looked up to its owner, I was shocked. It was Nate.

"Youh. Nate why uh why would you do thaat toh mej? You you drowned me. I was trying to help you. I I jumped in to hhelp you and you drowned you drowned me. I I thought you you liked me. Why did you did you do it? I uh umm. What did did I uh do to youh? I started to trust you." I broke into tears.

"No no no Kat. I would never hurt you. No. Never. I would drown myself 100 times before even thinking to drown you. It was a dream. A nightmare. Nothing else. I'm your brother. Your favorite one. The charming one." He sat on the bed. And I backed away. I was gonna fall off but Alexander caught me.

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