Chapter 35: Journey

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Katherine Wright

Today ladies and gentlemen was my first day of mid term break. Nothing exciting but I'm glad I could finally catch a breath or 2. It's been pretty hectic. My wrist was all healed by now. Zoe was happy and healthy too. I still remember of Matt said he felt complete around Zoe. And my baby Beau had a thing for little Zoe. Matt often came by with Zo Zo to play with Bo. But I wasn't ALLOWED to visit his place. Alex thinks its NOT SAFE.

Things got a little rough between Alex and me. He started behaving odd. I wasn't allowed anywhere without Sawyer even in the estate. Now Sawyer also guarded my bedroom door. So much for privacy. He gives all the updates to Alex. I'm pretty sure he knows the number of times I go to the bathroom too. And when I confronted him about all of this he got mad at me. So now I dont talk to him unless he asks me something which to my happiness is pissing him off.

So we were currently having dinner when my dear dear eldest brother decided to break the silence.

"We are going on a vacation tomorrow." In normal circumstances I would have buried him with questions but not today. From everybody's faces I figured out that I was the only one who didn't know about this causing me to have a burst.

"Why bother telling me now? It doesn't even matter if I want to go or not." I said and stood up ready to leave. But then Alex grabbed my wrist.

"I'm not done Kat. Listen to me." I tried to get out of his hold but his strength wasn't helping. I huffed in annoyance and took my seat.

"We are going on a vacation to our private island. The others knew because we go every year to the same place at the same date for 18 days. We will be back a day before your school starts. I already asked Candice to shop for you. Now please stop being mad for no reason and let's enjoy our trip like a family."

"No reason! No reason! Im being like this because you aren't giving me reasons. You know everything about me. And me I know nothing. You asked me to come out of my shell 6 months ago. Why? So that you could push me into a web of lies. I asked you why so much protection. You gave me no reason. I asked you about our family business. Still no answers. I dont know where the money I use comes from. I asked you about OUR FATHER! OUR FATHER! And still no answers. I'm sick of it. And you want me to enjoy a fucking vacation with you. Some nerve you got there!"

"I'm not lieing to you." He said in his normal cold voice. Void of any emotion.

"Oh yeah! Well not saying anything else doesn't make it any better." And with that I took off to the confines of my room.

I got a text from Candice. If you haven't figured out yet. Candice is our 23 year old personal shopper, event manager, party organizer and the list goes on. She was great. She has the best taste in fashion. I trusted her  with my clothes. She was a great friend too. I had met her 4 times and we hit it off immediately. She loved the idea for finally being able to shop for a girl. She said she was coming over with my things tomorrow and than she could help me pack which I was grateful for. Dont get me wrong I'm perfectly okay with packing for myself but I really needed girl time as Val and Ness were visiting their family friends in Germany. God I miss them. My brothers didn't bother me the rest of the night as they wanted me to give some space.

The next more I went for a run and then headed for breakfast.

"Good morning sweet cheeks." Nate said hugging me.

"I'm sweaty." I said and giggled.

"No you're cuddly unlike the rest of the grumpy pants walking around." He said in his sleepy voice.

And then Arena, our A.I. of the house which Alex got installed as a Christmas present to all of us announced Candice's arrival and that  she was already in my room waiting for me. I was leaving tonight and I still had no idea what I would be wearing for the next 18 days. I dont want to sound like a rich snob but I really had nothing to wear on a beach.

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