Chapter 22: The Window

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Katherine Wright

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror of the locker room. I had changed into my gym clothes. I was nervous about my tryout. What if I dont pull through?

I saw Val and Ness approaching me

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I saw Val and Ness approaching me. They were the part of the Cheerleading team already.

"Hey babe. Are you nervous?"


"Dont worry you'll do great. We'll put in a good word for you."

"Besides that body is to kill for. You are smoking hot."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because that's true. Now come here. I'll put your hair in a tight ponytail so you dont get hair all over your face." I obliged. They both always complete each other's sentences. It's like you are talking to one person than 2.

We headed to the stadium. I saw Silas and Seb. They were on the soccer team and they had practice today.

"Hey. Ssup!" He said and smacked me above my waist area which was exposed.

"Ouch! Why did you that?"

"Just like that. You have tryouts right?"

"Yeah. I'm very nervous."

"Dont be. You'll be great." He said smacking me at the same spot as before and started walking away to his team.

"Stop doing that."

One of his friends looked at me and then told him something to which he smacked his head. I have no idea what he said or maybe I have.

The coach started explaining us about everything. I followed her instructions. I showed her my moves and she was quite impressed. At the end I did got selected
Val and Ness were over the moon. They looked happier than me.

I went home and told everyone. They were proud of me. We celebrated my little win with ice creams and nutella. I loved nutella. It was my favorite. After our little heart to heart yesterday Alex was back in the strict brother shoes. But I didn't push it.

2 weeks passed since I started school. I was into a schedule now. I wake up and jog with Nate. Then I have breakfast with everyone and go to school. Studies. I enjoy lunch and Cheerleading practice with my friends. With all the help from Hayde I got into tennis too. There was an annual tennis tournament in mid November. The coach chooses 12 best players every year. 6 boys and 6 girls. But boys and girls dont compete with each other. In my opinion-sexist. But fine. I had applied but I dont think I'll get in. Hayden said my game was real good and that I could easily get in. Even if I did get in its impossible for me to win. The girls tournament was on 15th November while the boys one was on 14th. Cole plays too. He is real good. I have played with him too. Today was 15th October. The result whether I got in or not was today. And I couldn't think of anything else.

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