I Strangers I

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(image not mine)

"Y/n WAKE UP," the Macready shouted as she walked closer to my room I heard her footsteps creaking. I rolled over to check my alarm clock which read 7:05 am. Rolling my eyes I dived my self into the covers again to keep away the cold that was seeping in. Why is she waking me up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday

Covering my head with the pillow I shouted back "can I have 5 more minutes?"She could at least give me five minutes. Hearing my door handle violently squeak and move I sat up to see the Macready staring at me with piercing eyes. 

Taking that as a no I sighed "alright alright." I stepped out of my bed and crossed my arms across my body to keep my self from shivering. I stepped closer to my curtains to open them letting out the white light blinding me. I shielded my face and walked back over to sit back on my bed.

"Now you need to look presentable today, no roaming around in rags as you usually do," the Maready said opening my wardrobe and laying ghastly canary yellow and bright blue frocks on my bed, that had even more brightly coloured flowers on them. She only set these kinds of things out when we are going somewhere. And unless she hasn't noticed there's a war going on.

"Please tell me why you're volunteering me to dress like a clown?" I questioned rummaging through my chests of draws for anything slightly better than what the Macready was picking out. The only thing I could see was more skirts and dresses.

"Firstly, Y/n I will not allow you to look like a clown you do that yourself and secondly I told you yesterday those Pevensie (puh-ven-see) children are staying," she stated folding her arms and examining the dresses on the bed. I let out a slight huff. I've read enough about the city kids to know that they're awful. I bet they're super spoilt and thinks so highly of themselves. And I'm pretty sure it's Pevensie (pev-en-see). But I won't push aunt Macready today I know she'll start bullying everyone around. I don't get it if you don't like children why would you invite more into the house? I'm guessing she likes the power bossing everyone around.

"So choose your pick," she said proudly holding up the two dresses.

 Without looking I grabbed a set of clothes from my draw and mirrored her position and replied, "these." She rolled her eyes giving up and putting the frocks back in the wardrobe and closing its doors.

"It will do now get changed before we're late," she raised her voice sternly closing the door on her way out. I laid out the clothes I picked and saw it was a knee-length navy blue skirt with gold buttons at each side and a white button-up blouse. It wasn't all that bad but I still preferred to wear my grandad's old clothes than these awful dresses. Dresses aren't even that bad if they look nice and are at least comfortable. But the one's the Macready buys me are like a living hell.


"Miss Macready?" the blonde boy who I presumed was the oldest questioned holding a brown briefcase and wrapped in a grey coat. 

"Is this it haven't you brought anything else?" she asked. I saw a small girl who I hadn't noticed before shaking her head. She had a khaki green hat covering her head and was holding a smaller briefcase. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was.

"No ma'am it's just us," he spoke up politely. Maybe I may have been exaggerating at the whole stuck up city kids thing. To be fair they've had to leave their family behind to get bombs dropped at them for goodness sake. I looked back up at the Macready who gave me an 'I told you so look,' that I pretended I didn't see. I opened up the end of the carriage holding my hand out to help the little girl up. She took it smiling and sitting across from me. I then continued to help some other boy who had messy raven brunette hair, freckles spotting his cheeks. 

He scowled saying, "I've got it sorted." I drew back my hand. Well, I stand corrected. I knew I wasn't going to like at least one of them.

"Ed," the blonde boy hissed to his brother to which 'Ed' rolled his eyes.  

Once we were all in the carriage (Lucy, Peter and Edmund sat next to each other and Y/n sat next to Susan) the blonde boy introduced everyone, "Well I'm Peter Pevensie," stretching out his hand which I continued to shake. I knew their name was Pevensie (pev-en-see). 

"This here is Lucy and Edmund who you've just graciously talked to," Edmund rolled his eyes at Peter, gave me a dirty look and turned away. 

"And I'm Susan Pevensie," the blue-eyed girl said holding out her hand which again I shook. Well, at least I know the rest of the Pevensies are nice. 

"I'm Y/n Kirke Covey pleasure to meet you all," I smiled. Well, a pleasure to meet everyone besides Edmund.

"Hey, Y/n do you have a library?" Susan asked me when we were riding up the hill. 

"Yeah, we have a whole library, do you love books too?" I beamed excitedly.  

"Yes, do you have any books by James Arthur by a chance?" she questioned smiling brighter than mine. Before I was about to answer her question Edmund started muffled laughing. We all continued to stare at him.

"What? They're talking about books and getting excited about it, like how boring" he continued laughing. Like he really couldn't keep it to himself.

"And I'm pretty sure I've read enough books to know an idiot when I see one," I glowered at him for him to just turn around again.

"I'm sorry about him," Peter apologized looking very embarrassed and angry as I assured him it was fine.

We finally got off the carriage letting everyone off first except Lucy to help her. As soon as I let her down she enfolded our hands together and we carried on walking. And tapped my arm. "Do you know where my brother is?" she whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear her. 

"Yeah he's right there," I smiled softly pointing to Peter waiting for the Macready to unlock the doors. She just shook her head more worry plaguing her face and I realized she was talking about her other brother. To be honest I didn't care where he was, down in a hole I hope. I looked around to see him standing next to me.

"Oh hey," I said surprised he was there and Lucy finally got rid of her worried expression.

"Hey Y/n, watch your step," he smirked before I was about to ask why until he put his foot in front of me tripping me up. I fell straight into a wet patch of mud staining my white blouse. And I could hear the faint laughter of Edmund Pevensie in the background. Oh watch what I was going to do to him. 

"Y/n I've told you about dawdling now go and get yourself cleaned up," aunt Macready shrieking more angrier than usual probably because I'm embarrassing her. I stood up and then wiped my hands on Edmunds jumper.

"Thanks for the heads up Ed," I strained myself to smile and walked away. How could anybody be so rude I've not even met him for five minutes and I hate him. Now that's what you call a stuck up brat. Because of my furious rage I bumped into my grandfather as I was walking to my bathroom.

"Oh Y/n how have you gotten yourself in that pickle?" he chuckled looking at the mud blanketing my blouse.

"It was just an accident grandfather Kirke," I rushed speeding past him to get myself away from anyone so I don't say something I will regret.

Thankyou for reading and please comment any mistakess byeee

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