Who's Aslan?

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Lucy lead the way to Mr Tumnus's house since she'd been there twice. No one said a word since they were all awestruck about how magical everything was. When we finally got to a place that looked familiar so I walked up to Lucy. Turning to see his door was off its hinges. Lucy gasped and ran towards it as the rest of us followed.

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy questioned. Mr Tumus's was a hell hole, anything that could be turned was and then thrown to break. All the warmness and safety from his house was gone as was he. Peter was holding a letter or notice that was stuck to the wall.

The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis Queen of Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans.

Signed Maugrim,

Captain of the Secret Police.

Long Live the Queen

He handed the letter to Susan who skimmed it. "All right. Now we really should go back," she pleaded. I agreed with her there was no point in trying to save Mr Tumnus he already had told us anyone who had gone through the gates of the palace wasn't getting out. But Mr Tumnus had saved us even though he was going to hand us over to the white witch he didn't he helped us escape. 

"But what about Mr Tumnus," she cried. Before I could explain to her that we really needed to go and keep her safe Susan spoke.

"If he was arrested just for being with the human, I don't think there's much we can do," Susan said.

"But you see Lucy were the humans, that's why we really have to go," I explained gaining nods in agreement from both the older siblings.

"She must have found out he helped us," she crumpled up her face in confusion. I looked over to Edmund who gave an apologetic look. I rushed over to him but not enough to cause suspicion, he never looked me in the eye just the wall behind me or the floor never in my eyes.

"I knew you had to talk to her Ed, but it didn't have to do this, this isn't a game, Mr Tumnus could be hurt or worse," I whispered a bit of disappointment in the hint of my voice.

"I didn't know she tricked me and like you said I didn't have a choice," he whispered back.

"Hey what are youse two talking about?" Peter smirked nudging Susan slightly.

"Nothing," Edmund rolled his eyes taking my hand and lead me out of the door. They didn't think we were dating. No, they can't think that they will never stop with the taunting and teasing. I let out an internal groan clearly reflecting on my face cause Edmund responded.

"That's my family for you," he sighed. The others walked out. I heard wind coming into my ear but couldn't feel it, I looked around seeing the others were experiencing the same thing.

"Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah like a 'psttt'," Susan agreed. We all flinched at the movement in the bushes. We all cautiously walked closer to it curious but not to close for what was lurking to attack us. Every step we took my heartbeat quickened. Every step we took I noticed I was getting closer to Edmund, gravitating towards him. Too close, enough for him to feel my warm breath on his neck, maybe even close enough for him to hear my heartbeat if you could even call it that anymore. I stepped closer to him not caring anymore and held on to him for protection.

We all let our guard down since what came out was a beaver. Peter walked up to them clicking and taking out his hand.

"I'm not going to smell it if that's what you want," he stood up on his legs now Peter, Susan and Edmund were all wide-eyed in disbelief while me and Lucy laughed. I came over to her so I could see the beaver properly.

"Lucy Pevensie?" the beaver asked finally making her wide-eyed.

"Yes," she walked to him as he took out a handkerchief that I barley recognised but I know I'd seen it somewhere. Lucy took it and inspected it.

"Hey, that's the hankie you gave to Mr..." I was about to finish before the beaver interrupted.

"Tumnus, he got it to me right before they took him," he revealed.

"Is he alright," Lucy urged.

"Further in," he whispered moving into the trees. I started to walk till I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew it was Edmund I didn't need to turn around to now but I still did anyway.

"What are you doing?" Edmund stirred clearly annoyed that I would walk off with a random creature.

"He's right how do you know we can trust him?" Susan pushed looking at each of us.

"He said he knows the faun," Peter defended.

"He's a beaver he shouldn't be saying anything," Susan shot out.

"Is everything all right," the beaver popped out.

"Yes we were just talking," Peter smiled covering up the argument.

"That's better left for safer quarters," he whispered going back down again gesturing to follow us. I walked ahead until someone tightly grabbed my arm dragging me back almost making me fall over.

"Edmund what are you doing?" I faced him as we walked.

"Shhh," he put his finger to his lip. I gave him a look as to say 'what do you want?' 

"Why did you do that?" he whispered making sure the others wouldn't hear.

"What?" I asked.

"You just followed the beaver like a moth to light," clearly irritated.

"So what?" I wanted to know why he cared?

"Y/n your not stupid think before you do things otherwise you will get hurt and I can't protect you, not now anyway," I wanted to ask him what he meant about protecting me or that I need to think before I do things but I took by his expression that he wasn't going to tell me. He walked away going to stand in between Peter and Susan leaving me in the back while I pondered in my thoughts.

I have to apologise again because took me FOREVER TO UPDATE I can't update on this weekend and I go back to school this wed so you might have to wait I'm sorry this is the only time I will say this you can harras me to update cause it'll probs make me do it THANKSS FOR READING

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