I Your Girl Coat I

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 The Pevensie's were all sat down squirming at Ms Beavers fish and chips, thankfully I volunteered to sit with Ed at the stairway, unfortunately, the outside wind crawled onto my neck. But Edmund sat close giving me some shield against the cold. "Oh yeah there's a right bit more than hope, Aslan's on the move," Beaver leaned in as if someone was going to overhear.

"Who's Aslan?" Edmund got up the making cold creep back on me so I put on my coat trying to save Edmunds warmth.

Mr Beaver burst out laughing, "Who's Aslan? You cheeky little lighter." We all shared looks of confusion. Ms Beaver nudged Mr Beaver motioning him to stop laughing at us. "You don't do you?" he questioned, acting as if all the strange tales of this world is obvious.

"We haven't exactly been here very long," Peter defended us.

"Well, he's only the King of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia," Beaver gloated.

"He's been away for a long while," Mrs Beaver explained

"But he's just got back, and he's waiting for you near the stone table," Mr Beaver raised clearly annoyed.

"He's waiting for us, why are we so important? we're just humans," I questioned walking closer to the table.

"You're bloomin' jocking they don't even know about the prophecy," he shouted. Edmund crept past me, I decided to follow him instead of listening to some crazy story about some King in the woods waiting for us. I trudged over to him trekking up the hill.

"What are you doing?" I asked wrapping the coat around me.

"N-n-none of your b-business," he shivered wrapping his arms around him for warmth. Sudden guilt flooded through me, I should have brought his coat. Or maybe she should have. I unwillingly slid the coat off me making goosebumps rise on my arms.

"Here, at least it's not your 'girl' coat" I held it out mocking him. We both laughed in unison until he shook his head pushing the coat back to me.

"You need it more," he refused to take it so I shoved the coat into his chest.

"I'm sure I'll manage," I finished making him finally take it. "So where are we going?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer it didn't stop me from shivering at the witch's name. Unlike her, Aslan filled the room with warmth and joy as someone spoke about his greatness. I knew I couldn't go back to the damn and we were already too far, and there's no guarantee some wild animal might decide not to eat me on the way back. And plus, Edmund wasn't going back and someone needed to protect him, and use a brain once in a while.

We both looked up at the Ice Castle in awe, it looked as it was made with enormous icicles. A blue glow wandered through its ice walls or from inside of them since there can't be fire since it would melt the whole castle down. I wish it would. I looked over at Edmund his purple lips and cheeks had now disappeared making me smile. He caught me looking so I bowed my head. But at the corner of my, I could swear he was smiling too.

We wandered through what seemed to be some kind of statue museum. Every face of the statue's face seemed to be painted with agony or anger. I edged closer to Edmund grabbing the sleeve of his coat not caring what he would think. I just couldn't handle the eyes of the statues peering down on me as if I was a meal. Or the ones who had looks of pain calling me to help them, set them free. Even if I was here to protect Edmund I felt safe around him. I'm just glad he didn't move his arm away.

"Look at this," Edmund spoke picking up some wood and started to draw something on a tigers face. He revealed it, the tiger had glasses and a moustache. His attempt to cheer me up hadn't worked so he held out his arm again so I could cling onto it feeling my nervousness.

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