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The living room is beautifully decorated with streamers and banners. Purple and pink balloons taped on the walls.
Party music is playing from the speakers and there is the delicious smell of my mother's cooking. I had asked her to make me some aglio olio pasta, my favourite.

"Jin! You are ready?"

Dad says, looking up from the kitchen counter where he is pouring coke in paper cups.

He is my step father- my mother married him some time after Father's death. I know most people aren't really close with their step relations but Dad has always been with me in every step of the way and we have a close bond. In fact, I am more closer to him than Mom- even if it's with her that I share my blood with. My step brother is a mama's boy.

"Yes, dad! How do I look?" I ask him, giving a twirl.

I had worn black jeans and a see through shirt with my jacket unzipped.

It was my 20th birthday today and I was in the third year of college. I was sort of a loner but it was completely by choice, I knew if I really wanted, the whole school would become my friend.
But I had my own special ones- Ken and Jackson, my best friends. I liked keeping it small and close.
I was having a little party in my house, more like a dinner and had called them over.

"Handsome as always, Jin. I am wondering why Ken and Jackson don't have a thing for you yet". Dad says with a wink and I laugh at that.

Ken and Jackson were like my platonic soulmates and I predict that if one day they do have a "thing" for me, I might just puke an entire Pacific Ocean.

"Well dad, I don't think Jinnie would like them even if they do have a thing for him. You have high standards, don't you, Jinnie?"

I look at where the voice comes from and sure enough, there is my elder step brother, smiling at me. He looks like a total bunny when he smiles but he gets irritated if I call him that- plus I know his personality is no where near a rabbit. A wild one who wears black all the time and is basically the definition of "jock" perhaps but otherwise, a big no no.

He is a softie only with us, his family.

I run towards him and give him a hug.
He wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Yep, Jungkook hyung is right. I have very high standards and no one has met them yet".

I hear mom laughing from the kitchen. She comes out with a steaming casserole.

"Jin, if you act like that, no one is ever going to like you- you know that right?"

I am about to reply when Jungkook hyung speaks up.

"No one needs to like him, Mom. I am there for him, am I not?" He winks at me and I look down.

Step brother or not, he never fails to make me feel flustered- I am just glad I can control my blush in front of him.

I mean, come on, who were we kidding?

Jeon Jungkook was hot- with tattoos up his arms (which I never failed to admire) and one too many piercings. Whenever I got the chance I always used to steal a glance at hyung's abs (god, they were good) and at his muscles. Hyung never noticed and I took that opportunity.

The doorbell rings and I squeal. "Ken and Jackson are here!"

I run towards the door but when I am about to touch the handle, Jungkook hyung turns me around and then looks at my chest with raised eyebrows.

"Zip that".


I guess I said it out loud because Jungkook hyung repeats it again.

"Zip your jacket up, Jin".

I quickly zip my jacket up -annoyed inside- what's the point of buying a see through shirt if I can't show it?

But I did not want hyung angry. Hyung angry is hot and I don't want to lose my shit on my birthday.

The doorbell rings again, so I finally open it.

Ken and Jackson engulf me in a big hug and I almost fall over. Gladly Jungkook hyung lightly pushes them away saying something like that's enough of a hug. I just brush it away, hyung has always been protective.

"Happy birthday Jin!!!" Ken exclaims and I thank him.

Jackson pushes a wrapped box in my hand. "Our gift to you".

I accept it and go upstairs to keep it in my room.

When I am about to leave the room, I see Jungkook hyung standing beside the door, looking at me.

"You look pretty today, Jinnie".

"Thank you, hyung". I mumble shyly.

He walks towards me and then softly smiles.
"But you always look pretty".

I smile back at him.

"You are very handsome too, Hyung". I tell him.
He was. Might as well tell it when the situation is not awkward.

Hyung chuckles. "Really? What part of me do you find handsome? My abs that you love looking at whenever I am shirtless after working out? Or my tattoos that you dream to touch?"

My jaw drops.
In shock.

Jungkook hyung just looks at me with a teasing smile and I can say that the night of my twentieth birthday changed whatever close "step brother" relationship we ever had.


I also almost had a heart attack.

This is a TaeJinKook book. Though I have already planned the ending, I wouldn't mind knowing what's your favourite ship along the way and if I feel like it, I might change the plot and ship a bit.

Also, I know perhaps only one or two people will read this but I hope you enjoy it anyways!

Happy reading!


𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now