Chapter 9

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Friday soon passed away quickly and Saturday came up as quick as lightning.

I was now pacing back and forth in front of the mirror, deciding which outfit to wear. I finally decided on a white t shirt, tucked inside skinny black jeans. I kept it simple.

(Outfit pic attached at end, you can see it if you want ☺️).

Taehyung was supposed to come pick me up in ten minutes.

I sprayed on some perfume then made my way downstairs. Jungkook hyung was sitting on the couch, watching something on TV. On closer look- it was an action movie.

I hated action movies.

Hyung and I hadn't talked since Wednesday night. I didn't have the courage to talk to him knowing that this awkwardness was completely my fault. I can't belive I did that to my sweet hyung.

Jungkook hyung looks up from the screen. "Where are you going?"

Hyungie talked to me!!!

"To a carnival, hyung".

"Alone?" He asks, muting the TV.

I shake my head. "No, with my friends".

"And who are these friends? Ken and Jackson?"

" project partner. Taehyung. And his best friend Jimin".

Hyung raises his eyebrows. "He asked you to go to a carnival with him?"

Okay, this is sounding like an interrogation all of a sudden.

"Yes, hyung".

"Fine. I am coming with you too. Its been ages that I have been to a carnival. Guess I should visit one today". Hyung says and gets up.

Um, what?

"Hyung, no! Taehyung is gonna pick me up and-".

"So? Tell him to meet you there. I am there to drive you. I will just go and get ready".

A huge part of me wanted hyung to come along with me too but then what about Taehyung?

Wouldn't he feel awkward knowing that I brought my hyung along with me?

I wanted to spend time with Taehyung too.

This wasn't really the time for hyung to visit a carnival after ages.

"Hyung but-".

"Jungkook, let Jin go with Taehyung. You can visit a carnival some other time too". Dad says while walking inside the living room.

Hyung frowns. "Why can't I go with him? I don't care, I am going with-".

Just then the bell rings. Hyung has a blank expression on his face while Dad goes to open it.

"Hello, you must be Taehyung. Come in!" I hear Dad's jovial voice coming from the hallway.

Soon enough Taehyung walks in with Dad, wearing a blackish blue sweatshirt and white trousers- looking handsome.

I suddenly remember Ken calling him Prince Charming and I smile to myself.

"Hey". Taehyung says and smiles at me.

I shyly wave at him.

"Now that you both are done with your hellos and hi, let me change and then we will leave".

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows.

Before he can say anything, I speak. "But hyung, TaeTae has already arrived. You can go to a carnival some other day with me".

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now