Chapter 29

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"Okay, so you don't like coffee?" Jin asks as Taehyung takes a seat in front of him while on his break.

They are in Crystal Cafe now, after school and Jin had finished with his homework of writing a two page long essay as Taehyung was working.

Taehyung slides a glass of cold coffee towards him while he takes a sip from his own milkshake.

"Yep, it has a strange taste and I am not fond of it".

Jin hums, trying to search for another topic while trying to think about how to tell Taehyung of his feelings.

He could-

"Angel? Have you....ever been in a relationship?"

Jin chokes on his coffee. Taehyung hastily gives him a piece of tissue paper while thumping his back.

"Are you alright? Should I not have said that?" He asks, worried, sitting back on his seat after seeing Jin stop coughing.

"N-no no, that's okay". Jin answers. What was he to say? That yes, only once and the relationship has just started. With my own step brother. "No, I have never been in a relationship".

Taehyung grins, a boxy smile. "Great!  Me too! Good! .....Good."

His smile relieves Jin and seeing Taehyung's bright eyes and the way he starts speaking about a movie he just watched- Jin realises why he is in love with Taehyung.

Taehyung makes him if he was special. That he deserved everything. As if he was beautiful. Whenever he felt low, Taehyung unconsciously had lifted his spirits. He never pries too much but that doesn't mean he isn't concerned about Jin. He shows that by holding Jin's hands, looking at the other's eyes and smiling.

"So...yeah. Who was your favourite character?"

"TaeTae". Jin mutters out, not knowing what he actually said.

Taehyung stares at him for a second before bursting into laughter. "Were you even listening? Oh god. TaeTae!".

Jin huffs but smiles nevertheless. "Sorry, I was distracted. What were you talking about?"

"Harry Potter and how I watched the entire franchise late at had recommended it once and said that you liked I thought I should watch it we could speak about it together. You like it, so I should try it out too? Right?" Taehyung mumbles, getting shy and Jin internally cooes.

This. This man was the one Jin was in love with.

"Yes, I did say that. My favourite character to be honest, isn't Harry. I like Draco more than him if we have to compare. His character had depth".

Taehyung hums then asks- "Have you ever been in love?"

Jin chuckles. "Didn't you ask me the same question earlier?"

"No, I asked about whether you had been in a relationship before. This is different. Now tell me, have you ever been in love?"

Jin slowly nods his head but doesn't say who it is. "What about you?"

Taehyung looks down at his drink. "Yes, I have".

Jin wants to ask him who it is and if it's not him then why is it not him?

But he knows asking that would lead to unanswerable questions, questions he himself wouldn't be able to answer.

Fiddling with the straw of his glass, Jin thinks about starting the topic about his feelings with how he was mesmerised by Taehyung since the first day of his college, when he saw the other painting graffiti. 

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now