Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung! That's your break time, I will take over now. Your friend is waiting on the corner table as usual. Hurry up!" Wendy says and grabs the wiping cloth from my hand. Sighing, I take off my apron and go to the table where Jimin is sitting, a cup of coffee and a glass of juice in front of him.

Wendy works along with me in Crystal Cafe. She is 4 years older than me and insists that people should immediately leave whatever they are doing once their break time starts. Break time is a big deal for her and I always have to remember to rush towards Wendy when I see the clock signalling towards her own break time. Otherwise, I receive a long lecture.

"Remember the handsome guy I talked to you about a day before? The one I met in the carnival?" Jimin asks as soon as I take a seat opposite him.

"Yeah. The one with glasses and a dimple and caramel skin and freakishly tall. How can I not remember? You talked the whole weekend about him". 

Instead of listening to me ranting about my perfect evening with Jin, this mister decided to gush about a guy he met in a balloon shooting stall.

Jimin rolls his eyes. "So, we met again today. He offers English tuition as a side job. My friend has him. And guess what? We are making plans for the weekend! A date! I am just waiting for the day he will let me call him daddy". 

I mockingly gag and take a sip of my juice. "That's good for you I guess". 

He looks at me with scrutinising eyes. "What's up with you, though? You look gloomy. I thought you would be happy after your wonderful evening with- oh no, don't tell me you went ahead with the plan. Please tell me you didn't". 

Jimin has his eyebrows raised waiting for an answer and when I don't reply, he figures it out and looks at me with wide eyes. "How foolish can you be? Poor Jin! That was the most stupid plan you have ever concocted and let me tell you, I have known you since 10. Oh God, I thought you liked him-". 

I decide to cut him right then and there. "Of course I did! I still do-".

"Then why on earth are you-".

"Do you really think Jin will like a person like me? Damn it, I work in a cafe- not even as a barista but a cleaner! My supposed bike isn't really mine, it's borrowed from my neighbour Josh just so I could impress angel. Jin's house was huge! His family seemed so rich and his brother didn't like me already from the starting. He didn't even trust Jin with me! And my parents-".

"Taehyung, stop". Jimin says while putting down his coffee. "I won't listen to your shit. I don't know Jin much but I know enough to say he isn't the kind to judge people because of their financial background". 

I sigh and lean back on the chair. 

"I was stupid, wasn't I?"

Jimin shakes his head. "Depends on what you did".

"Well, I acted cold towards him. Specified that we are just project partners. When he asked me if I was okay, I told him to not ask me that as we won't even talk after the project. He said that he was there for me if I wanted to talk to anyone and I said that I already have many friends-".

"Holy shit, I thought your plan was to distant yourself from Jin, not make him hate you!" Jimin exclaims. 

His reaction, though exaggerated, was right. I did go towards the extreme.

"Uh, well. It wasn't only that. I also asked him to stop calling me TaeTae". 

I had no idea why I had done that. Maybe it was because every time he called me TaeTae, my heart skipped and I felt like I had achieved everything in the world. Plus, it wasn't helping my plan to distant myself from him when he stared at me with his puppy eyes calling me TaeTae. 

"Why the hell would you do that? Let me tell you, you were the one who asked him to call you TaeTae in the first place! Albeit he was the one who used it first".

"I know, I know. I was crazy, okay? But I also lent him my jacket when he was shivering. Act cold or not, I couldn't stand seeing angel shiver". 

"You should have! Now, before it's too late, I suggest you clear yourself to Jin. That includes telling him about your financial background seeing that you are so insecure about it. Also, you should thank me. I was the one who gifted you the denim jacket. Otherwise you would have lent him your milk stained jacket". 

"Milk that you spilt". I added and Jimin smiled sheepishly. 

"By the way, what should I wear for my date this weekend?"

"What date?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and got up from his seat. "Please start talking to Jin soon, I am getting annoyed by you". 


After my shift is over, I lean against the curb outside the cafe and take out my phone. I swipe to Jin's chat box and start typing.

To Angel 💜: Hey

I am about to type in angel but I am not sure whether I can call him that now. 

I wait for 3 minutes for a reply and the notification comes in. 

From Angel 💜: Hello

To Angel 💜: I am sorry for today's behaviour. I had a bad day today. Would you like to meet me today if you are free?

I hope he says yes. 

From Angel 💜: Sure and it's okay. When do you want to meet? And where?

To Angel 💜: It's 6pm now. What about 6:30? You can choose the place.

From Angel 💜: I will be free then, I am done with my hw. What about Molly's Ice Cream parlour? At Spring avenue?

I smile and type in a yes giddily. 

To Angel 💜: Great, I will meet you there then! Bye 🥰

No reply comes.

I don't expect for one. Not after my attitude towards him.

I will clear up my behaviour towards him but I wouldn't tell him about my financial background like Jimin asked me too.

I was afraid and I liked Jin too much to let him know something that will probably make him not like me.

I liked him just too much.


A short chapter. Next will be slightly longer, I guess, being Jin's POV followed by Jungkook's.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting. Please let me know your thoughts and opinions- constructive criticism is always appreciated!!

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