Chapter 21

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Jin's POV

2 seconds later, Taehyung bursts into laughter while Jungkook hyung and I keep on looking at him. 

"Oh my god, your faces! I was just joking, calm down". Taehyung says, still trying to control his laugh. He turns to hyung. "You should have looked at your reaction though, it was like you just found out someone dyed your dog blue". 

I breathe a sigh of relief. I did not want to get lectured by hyungie because of a 'supposed kiss'. Not like I didn't like the idea of getting kissed by Taehyung. Honestly, if he kissed me right this second-I would surely kiss him back. But saying that to Jungkook hyung? Not a good idea.

Hyung's face is red and he looks offended. "That was a very lame joke, you should have better humour. Jin, I am going upstairs to change. You and your project partner can continue working but I suggest you to skip the inappropriate scenes. Mom and dad would be coming home soon so you better finish watching the movie quickly".

He starts walking up the stairs. Someone needs to remind him that I am 20 years, not 10.

"Your brother is too possessive of you", Taehyung remarks. "If you hadn't introduced him as your brother I would have thought he was your boyfriend or something".

I blush and change the topic, not wanting to tell him that I have thought of the same thing too. 

What would have happened if hyung and I met but he hadn't been my brother?

"Uh, so should we continue watching the movie?"

Taehyung stares at the screen and shrugs. "Upto you, angel. Your brother kind of ruined the mood and I already know the ending, by the way. Plus, there is always SparkNotes to which I can easily look up more information on Romeo and Juliet. Tell me, have you watched Love, Rosie?"

I shake my head. I had heard of it and even read the book which it had been made on, a long time back. But I didn't remember the story now.

"We can watch that if you want. I guess it's on Netflix. Lily Collins is my favourite actress". 

"Sure, I would love to". Picking up the remote, I quickly search for the movie and press play.

Taehyung's comment about Collins being his favourite actress is stuck in my mind as the movie starts.

What if Taehyung wasn't even gay and all these comments and jokes about kissing me....was just a joke? Like, I hadn't even heard of him dating a boy, or anyone in fact. What if I was just being stupid and thinking that he liked me?

I mean, just because I was gay doesn't mean I should assume that Taehyung was gay too. I always thought Jungkook hyung was straight but apparently he was not, seeing that he had kissed me.

An hour and more quickly passes by and when I am done with my over thinking (and staring at Taehyung's side profile from the corner of my eye), I realise the movie has ended and all I saw were the opening credits and the ending credits.

Taehyung turns to me. "You liked the movie?"

"Uh, yes I did". God, I hope he doesn't ask me about the plot.

"I really liked Bethany though". Taehyung continues and I hum along like I know who the hell Bethany is.

Thankfully the front door of the house opens up just then and Mom and Dad walk in, returning from work.

Mom looks at Taehyung and her face immediately breaks into a smile. "Oh, you are the handsome guy who drops Jin home! I am sorry I never got to introduce myself, I am Jin's mother".

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now