Chapter 3

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My mother married Jungkook hyung's father when I was 5 years old. My biological father had passed away in a car accident. Mr Jeon used to be father's best friend and after his passing away, he always made sure to take care of my mom and my needs.

Mr Jeon's wife had passed away while giving birth to hyung. Whenever Mr Jeon used to come over to our house, Jungkook hyung always accompanied him. He was just 4 years older than me.

2 weeks later after I turned 5, my mother told me that Mr Jeon had proposed to her. She was happy with him. I was just 5 but I was elated to know that I would finally get a father figure along with an elder brother.

Soon they both married.

You could say my childhood was perfect. Both my parents cared for me. But mostly, the happiness of my childhood was due to hyung.

He never made me feel alone. When I used to get bullied in school for not playing sports, hyung used to say I was special. That stupid people won't ever understand. He would even threaten my bullies.

Whenever I used to cry, he used to wipe my tears away and say that if I cried, I would become dehydrated. He always managed to make me laugh.

When I fell down and got bruises- which was quite a lot of times as my balance wasn't really good when I was younger- he would kiss it to make the pain go away. "A kiss to make it better", he would say.

Hyung was always fascinated with the camera since a young age and I was his muse. Ninety percent of Mom's gallery- which was actually Jungkook hyung's clicks- were filled with photos of me.

Videos of me walking, eating, drawing, trying to cook, reading, laughing.

Hyung was my only friend when I had no one. In school too, even though he was senior to me, he always used to let me accompany him and his friends during lunch or whenever he went out. That's how I gained additional hyungs- Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung.

Whenever I felt sad, Jungkook hyung used to say "peek-a-boo!" and flash his bunny smile at me.

He called me his "prince". I called him "hyungie".


Dad drops me to school today as Jungkook hyung has to leave early for a meeting. 

"Goodbye, Jin! Enjoy your day". Dad says, waving. His salt and pepper hair is still wet from the shower he had to take while mom screamed for him to hurry up as I will be late to school. No one messes with an angry mom. Jungkook Hyung is like her in this way.

"Bye dad! Take care". 

Ken and Jackson are waiting for me in front of the lockers. 

"Can you believe it? The juniors are in a trip to Amsterdam for 3 weeks for a learning programme. Or some shit. Learning program, my ass. They would just go for scenic tours and post pics on insta and hit up hot chicks".  Ken groans while banging his head dramatically on the locker door.

I chuckle. 5 minutes passes away hearing Ken's grumbles and Jackson's "stop overreacting" after which we finally make our way to our respective classes.

I have Shakespeare Out Loud now which is my ECE- extra curricular elective. I honestly love this class as it is one of the longer classes and well, anything related to literature or books gets pegged down as my favourite. 

Professor Kang has not yet arrived. I take my usual seat in the middle, near the window. The view outlooks to the field where a class is lazing around with a football. 

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now