Chapter 27

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Friday night dinners were comparatively nicer than the other days. Tonight it was mashed potato and chicken- which was certainly better than the buttered peas and beans mother liked to give other nights.

Jungkook hyung was busy trying to cut the piece of chicken with his knife, careful as to not lose grip and end up with the chicken on the floor- mother would lose it then.

Jin himself had decided to eat with his hand- certainly the wiser option, now seeing the struggles of cutting a chicken (with bones) displayed by his hyung.

"So", Father said, wiping his hands with a tissue paper. "We will be going for a mini vacation tomorrow, for the weekend. To my sister's house".

"Aunt Jung? We will get to meet Hobi hyung!" Jin exclaims, looking at Jungkook who was smiling.

Hobi was Jin's favourite cousin- or to be more specific, the only cousin. As said before, Jin didn't really have many friends and the ones he did have were either in his family or Ken and Jackson- now Taehyung and Jimin. Hobi hyung was Jungkook hyung's best friend but doted on Jin as he was his little brother too. And he always laughed along with Jin's jokes. There was his boyfriend too, Yoongi hyung- he looked cold from the outside but he loved Jin a lot and Jungkook hyung too- seeing that Jungkook was younger than both Hobi and Yoongi. Then there was Joonie hyung- Namjoon- Hobi's cousin.

"Why the sudden plan?" Jungkook asks, finally giving up on cutting the chicken and starting to eat with his hands.

"So that you guys could take a break. Plus, we always take mini vacations each month and Aunt Jung wanted to give Jin his birthday gift too, seeing that she didn't get to wish him face to face". Their mother answered.

"And because your mother didn't feel like cooking for the weekend". Father adds, causing mother to kick him under the table.

Jungkook and Jin laugh at their parents' antics.

"You both can start packing for tomorrow after dinner. Pack lightly- no need for a large suitcase- we would be going for two days only". Father said.

Jin quickly speeds up his eating and darts to his room once he is done, wanting to start packing as soon as possible.

He takes out a mini pink suitcase which had the character of RJ printed on the front and starts stuffing his favourite pajamas and hoodies- and a pair of jeans inside.

After satisfied with the clothes he chose, he starts to find space in the filled suitcase for his plushie.

"Argh". Jin groans, trying to fit the RJ doll inside but it was too large- not getting inside completely.

Sweating from the two minutes of work, Jin takes the doll and starts making his way towards Jungkook's room. He knocks on the door twice and gets inside.

His hyung too was packing- Jungkook had taken a large black backpack. "What's wrong?" He asks, a black T-shirt in his hand, seeing Jin inside his room.

Jin squints inside the backpack to see whether there was any outfit of color- there were none, all were black.

"Hey, don't snoop!" Jungkook whines but doesn't physically stop Jin from rummaging inside his cupboard and taking out a couple of blue and white shirts and keeping them in place of the black shirts.

"Black is depressing hyung. Yes, it makes you look hot but it's still depressing". Jin, realising what he said quickly changes the topic to what he had come here to say in the first place. "Can you pack my RJ plushie in your backpack, hyung?"

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