Chapter 6

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It was after 8 years that I fell asleep so quickly. And the answer was hyung. He held me close.

I still remember the night Jungkook hyung said that I was grown enough to sleep alone. He had closed the door on my face. Ever since that day, I bought a star lamp that shone brightly in the dark. Whenever I missed hyung, I used to see the lamp. My hyung was as beautiful and bright as it.
I also bought a RJ plushie but last night it laid abandoned on the foot of my bed.
Because hyung was there.

But this morning, I woke up alone. No Jungkook hyungie beside me.
And I know that I should stop being such a baby but my heart feels comfort when hyung is beside me.

There was another part that I was afraid to admit.

The part that enjoyed whatever happened yesterday in the car. The part that wanted more.
And I was scared.
This isn't normal. It isn't normal to want to stay close to your hyung all day. It isn't normal to want to kiss him and want to touch him.
It isn't normal.


"Hello, angel. You are early today?"

I look up from my copy of Romeo and Juliet. Had the thought occurred to this guy who had an exceptionally deep voice that sent shivers down my spine (the good kind), that instead of me being early- he was the one late?

"Taehyung, the clock is right above the board".

Taehyung grins at me sheepishly and takes a seat.

"You are still early". He says, motioning around the nearly empty class.

"That's because most of them have gone elsewhere to work on their projects. Remember, Professor Kang gave us the liberty to work anywhere in the campus?"

Taehyung raises his eyebrows and gets up from his seat.
"Why are you still sitting here then? Angel, thank you for waiting for me but I have arrived now. You can lift your pretty ass up and we can go to the field or something".

The book slips from my grasp.

Did he just say that?

Did he just call my ass pretty?

Oh dear.

"Ahem. I hate to break it to you Mr Kim Taehyung but the teacher is still here in class, though silent. You better mind your language. And, uh, Jin?"
Professor Kang, who had been working on her laptop in the desk up front, calls my name- clearly noticing Taehyung calling my ass pretty too.

"Yes, professor?"

"I think Taehyung is right. The sun is shining today. Go to the field. Fresh air and bright light will probably make your brain work better". She says, giving me a wink.

I nod at her and pick my backpack and book up, walking out of the class, Taehyung behind me.

And I am feeling very conscious because I am getting a feeling that he is staring at my ass right now.


"So, you listened to the professor but not to me". Taehyung huffs and flops down on the green grass that was still wet from dew.

I perch myself on a drier area.

"What do you mean?"

Taehyung huffs again and murmurs a never mind.

"So, did you read the book?" I ask him after a minute of silence.

"Nope. Don't want to. But I have seen the movie- the one with Leonardo Da Vinci".

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now