Chapter 11

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I am kissing my step brother.

I am kissing hyungie.

And it feels amazing.

Its like a thousand of fireworks exploding inside my heart. Thunder crackling and enveloping me.

Its soft yet passionate. Its gentle yet firm.

It feels so right but it's so so wrong.

I want to touch hyung, give him my everything. The kiss goes deeper. Its still just lips but yet it feels so intense.

I feel wetness on hyung's cheek and I immediately pull back.

Is he crying?

Jungkook hyung slowly opens his eyes and stares at me.

Did he regret what just happened? Did he not like the kiss? Does he not like me?

But he was the one who initiated the kiss. Why was hyung crying then?

I am about to speak when Jungkook hyung mutters-
"I am sorry, Jin. I don't know what took over me. I a-am". Hyung stutters and he looks away from my eyes. I can feel my heart beat slowing down- beat by beat. "I am extremely sorry. Let's forget this ever happened. Its been a long time since I kissed anyone, guess that's why I couldn't resist kissing you".

No, no, no.
I don't want to forget this. I want to remember this forever.

No, Jungkook hyung is wrong.

"H-hyung". My throat is dry. My voice is cracking.

Hyung's eyes that were brimming with tears are emotionless now. "Jin. We are not going to talk about this again. I was reckless and you were stupid. The kiss should never have happened".

Saying this, hyung walks away- leaving me sitting on top of the hill- my cheeks that were once blushing in happiness while kissing hyung, now wet with tears and my heart breaking.

The kiss should never have happened.

Yet, why did it feel so beautiful? Why did a thousand butterflies flutter in my chest?

That night, hyung doesn't come to my room.

He doesn't wish me goodnight.


I remember when I was 12 years old. My 16 year old step brother had started working out.

Father had installed a treadmill in the basement of our house. Each evening, hyung would come up the stairs- sweat covering his body and face, exhausted from exercising. The tank top would stick to hyung's skin and make my heart race.

It was little things at first. Always wanting hyungie to kiss me goodnight. Always hanging around with hyung- no matter where he was. Staring at him when he was not looking at me. Memorising each and every detail of him- how he likes his coffee, how he prefers banana milk over anything else, his bunny teeth like smile which will only come out for the people hyung liked. How he used to love being good at everything.

That's when I realised my feelings towards Jungkook hyung were in no way normal.

I decided to talk to my 7th grade homeroom teacher.

She said that what I was feeling was just a phase. And that I shouldn't think about hyung like that. That my feelings are wrong. She said that my feelings were abnormal and Jungkook hyung was just my brother and no one felt things like these towards their brothers.

I had called her a fool and walked out of the class, feet stomping angrily.

Running back to my house, ready to jump on hyung as always and hug him tightly- I had opened the door to hyung's room.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now