Chapter 1

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The Mario Kart alarm clock beside me rang and I groaned in my sleep. I rolled over the bed and switched it off.

Rubbing my eyes of morning sleep, I yawned and made my way towards the window, pulling back the curtains. Seeing the sky outside, I smile. It's grey and looks like a storm is brewing somewhere nearby. I loved cloudy skies- pointing out shapes, getting wet in the rain- there was just a different kind of beauty in rain.

Luckily, in the town I lived in, the weather was almost always like this- a thing of sadness for some people but for me it was the best thing ever.

Twenty minutes later, once I am all ready for school (it's a Monday so the usual ten minutes I take while dressing up stretched to twenty), I head downstairs for breakfast.

Dad is sitting on the dining table, reading the newspaper. "Good morning, Jin!"

"Good morning, dad!" I wish him back and go to the kitchen where my mother is shifting some bacon pieces from the pan to the plate. She looks at me and smiles. 

"Good morning, Jin. How was your sleep?"

"Good but you know I hate Monday's".

Mother smiles. "Who doesn't? You can go sit, breakfast is almost ready. And oh, before I forget, Jungkook will be dropping you off to school today- not your father. We are planning to go out on brunch". She says excitedly, like a teenage girl going out on a date.

My heart rate drops. Oh god, not Jungkook hyung. It's been two days since the incident and I tried my best to avoid hyung over the weekend. But it was really difficult when the subject of your avoidance lived in the same house as yours.

Whatever hyung said that day could have been a brotherly tease except, it was the thing he did after that made me start avoiding him.


Jungkook hyung comes closer to me, waiting for my answer.

Seeing that I am shocked over the sudden question and am in no state to reply, hyung smirks and whispers next to my ear- "Change the jeans. As much as gorgeous you look in it, I want the treat for my eyes only". He smacks my back and walks out of the room, a smile on his face, leaving me frozen.


"Jin? Jin!" 

I jump out of my thoughts when I hear mother calling my name. 

"You got spaced out, sweetie. Now go to the table and sit- you are hogging the kitchen". 

I move to the table and sit on my seat, taking out my phone. When I click on the Instagram app, a familiar scent of cologne comes from next to me and I turn my head to find my prediction come true.

Hyung is sitting beside me, freshly showered, wearing his formal white shirt and pants (which look super hot on him except he has to button all of his buttons as he works in an office).
A part of his small heart shaped tattoo with a J inside it (which probably stands for his name) is peeking out from under the collar of his shirt. 

"Done checking me out?" 

I jump in my seat when hyung whispers next to my ear.

Oh my god. 

Jungkook hyung just cheekily smiles at me and starts digging in the bacon on his plate.

I usually love bacon but I am not so hungry anymore.


"Hey dude! Can't you see the fucking red light?" Hyung screams at the car beside us which decided to move suddenly, almost brushing their car with ours.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now