Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV

Lisa and I had exchanged numbers. Our talks had started of awkward at first. From trying to remember who she actually was apart from the person who I lost my virginity to. Then we slowly came on track once we started talking about our high school memories- which were actually quite a lot seeing that we came from the same social group- the cool and laidback students.

I had almost forgotten why I knew her at the first place until she mentioned how she had a crush on me. I was slightly relieved on her saying 'had a crush' but I was still doubtful. What if she was just testing me? Before she made a move? Of course, I would reject her but then, I would remember what Yoongi suggested. To move on from Jin.

And Yoongi hardly ever opened his mouth, so when he did- you knew he wasn't just spitting shit.

And Lisa asking me out would have just given me more of a reason to forget Jin. I mean, after Jin turned 20- I had vowed to stop having relationships (especially the sexual kind) and focus on Jin completely. But in the process of planning my life after Jin's 20th birthday, a person called Kim Taehyung hadn't been included.

That bastard had to come and fuck my plans up.

Turns out, God wasn't that against me. Lisa had truly gotten over her crush on me and just wanted to catch up with me as friends only.

She was a fun person to talk to- a bit bitchy but that was fine- not everyone could be perfect. I had even told her about how I liked my step brother and she had been very cool about it- even coming up with plans on how to eliminate Taehyung from the game.

Some of her tips were trying to poison Taehyung or try to hypnotise him to "un-like" Jin. Needless to say, they were all disapproved by me. I might be a fool who can't stop loving someone but am certainly not a murderer.

Or a hypnotiser. If that's a word.

Therefore, even after a purely platonic friendship with Lisa- I have no idea why I said out loud- on the dinner table- that I am dating her. And let's not mention how I said I am in love with her.

I wish there was a button that could help me rewind time before the words escaped my mouth and I didn't even realise what I was saying.

A part of me had been pissed off. At Taehyung. How could someone else notice Jin so much apart from me? It was me who was supposed to give attention to Jin, to know everything about him. It was me who was supposed to make Jin laugh.

Not this handsome guy who can't stop messing up my happily ever after plans.

I had wanted to see Jin's reaction to the words. Would he care? That I had a girlfriend?

All the times I used to date someone or bring someone over, Jin had always been enthusiastic.

A bit overly-enthusiastic if I must say.

He would always have ranted on about how I deserved love and that he was so happy but when I used to bring my current girlfriend over (I had only ever explored girls in the dating and sexual department), Jin used to stay quiet- perhaps assessing his future sister in law.

And when I used to break up, Jin used to whisper comforting words to me about how I deserved better.

As if I had been the one dumped!

But how Jin actually reacted now wasn't expected. He choked on his drink (nothing out of place, he tends to choke a lot while eating or drinking) and then he proceeded to stare at his plate. His face was blank. No emotion.

I had expected him to laugh and say "that's amazing, hyungie!" But he didn't say that.

"Really? Oh my god, that's wonderful Jungkook!" Mom says, breaking the awkward silence.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now