Chapter 7

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True to Taehyung's words, the ride was memorable.

It was just us two against the backdrop of the greyish blue sky, the sun peeking out behind the clouds to say goodbye. The tree leaves rustling in the wind and us zooming past houses with paint too old, children hopping on the streets, teenagers living their life before adulthood.

It's just me and Taehyung. 

And there is a silence between us. A good kind of silence. The one in which you know you don't have to fill in. It's there and you accept it.

My hands holding on to his waist, him looking at me from the bike's side mirrors. Me looking away. 

If I knew riding in a moped was like this, I would never get off one and travel the whole world with it. With Taehyung by my side because I am pretty sure riding on a moped with someone else won't be half as good like it is with Taehyung. 

But all good things come to an end. 

Soon enough the bike stops in front of my house- and I am too intoxicated with the wind, the speed of the ride, Taehyung's smell- to ask him how he knew my address.

"Angel? We have arrived". Taehyung says softly while tapping my hands that are still clutching on to his T-shirt.

I quickly let go of him and step down. 

"So, how was it?" He asks me, taking off his helmet. I turn to the ground shyly, his gaze was too intense for me to handle. That's something common he had with Jungkook hyungie. 

"It was.....wonderful. I loved it, thank you for the-yeah. It was great, thanks a lot". I was about to say 'thank you for the ride' except the same sentence didn't go very well with hyung.

Taehyung smiles at me. "I am glad you enjoyed it. If you want, I can drop you home everyday. Except Thursday's that is tomorrow". 

My eyes go wide but I quickly recollect myself.

"Are you sure?"

"I am pretty sure, angel. Otherwise I wouldn't have offered it to you". He replies and then looks at my house. "Your house is beautiful, just like you".

"Thank you". I mumble shyly. 

Taehyung then looks at me. He doesn't say anything but continues looking at me. I think about returning his gaze but I get too flustered and look down instead, biting my lips nervously.

Taehyung immediately clears his throat. "Yeah, um. So I will see you tomorrow?"

He puts on his helmet.

"Yes, uh, thanks for the ride TaeTae". 

When I realise that I had called him by TaeTae, I run towards the main door of my house- take out the key from my backpack's side pocket and open the door- all the while hearing Taehyung's loud chuckles coming from behind me.

Once I close the door, I head on to the living room window and part the curtains slightly. Taehyung is still there. His eyes wander around the house and then come on me. He gives me a wink, puts down the helmet's visor and speeds off- leaving me blushing and staring at the bike now fading away from view. 

"That. Was. So. Adorable!"

I scream when I hear mother's voice. I see her standing at the foot of the staircase, a huge smile on her face and hands clasped. 

"Mom! W-what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Eh, the boss was feeling generous so he left me. But, leave that. What on earth just happened out there? Did my Jinnie finally get a boyfriend?"

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 || (TaeJinKook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now