Part 1

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As we go off the plane Ryan told me what he got Rory, "I'm sorry did I hear you right? You got her a rocket with a special meaning but no note telling her what it was? She totally didn't get it." He sighs, "I know, I hope she does maybe I should call her." I nod, "yeah you should, now I need to call my mom and then my dad about landing." Logan nods, "tell them I said hi." I first call my mom, "hey mom, we just landed. How are things?" She sighs, "I'm going to tell you this and we are not going to talk about it at all, okay?" "Okay." "Me and Luke split up." My eyes widen, "oh my God, are you okay?" "I will be, me and your sister are going to play racquetball." "I'm sorry this place is so nosy, it sounded like you and Rory were going to go and play racquetball." "Don't laugh, and we are. Now I'm at the Inn right now but call me later no matter how late it is on my end."

Then next I call dad, "hey dad, we landed all safe." "Hey kid, So the plane didn't crash into the ocean? Good to hear. Have you called your mom?" "I just came off the phone with her, she's at work." "Right, I tried the house and got no answer I'll try again later." I nod and then see the boys waiting for me and say, "I've got to go, I'll call you later bye dad." "Bye Kid." I hang up and meet the boys and a black fancy car is already waiting for us and the driver takes out bags for us.

Ryan's apartment was opposite Logan's and as soon as me and Logan got in I fell onto the bed and he followed my lead, we had decided on the way to sleep as soon as we got there. We woke up to the alarm and I turn to see it was only 6:00. I groan, "Logan why do we have to be up so early." He gets out of bed and laughs, "I do, you don't. It's my first day and I have to be in by seven." I get out of bed and say, "I'll join you, I can help you settle in at the office, or if you don't want me to come I can look around London and have a coffee and meet you later." He gives me a kiss, "you'll be bored with me and Ryan. You can take my card and go shopping and then I'll call you for lunch." I nod and leave to get dressed, and here was me thinking London is cold all the time . (Outfit above.)

As we leave the apartment Ryan is leaving his and we get into the black car. We get to the office and I get out with them and after giving Ryan a hug and kissing Logan I say, "look at you boys, all grown up in your suits. I personally never thought I would see the day." Logan laughs, "we never thought we would to. We should go in, will you be okay you have the cars number, right?" I nod, "yep and your card." He gives me one last kiss and says, "I love you, have a good day and I'll call you later for lunch." I nod, "good luck, show them your Huntzberger charm." They both give me a smirk and nod before walking into the building. After they leave I see a café close by and walk to it to get a coffee.

I walk up to the counter and say, "can I have a coffee please with extra sugar and cream." The lady behind the counter nods, "yes, to go or to stay." I think for a moment before I say, "to stay please." "I'll bring it over when it's done." I nod and find a table close to the back. Then I here a British voice behind me, "sorry, but are American." I smile, "yeah, am I. Sorry but can I help you?" I see it's a guy and he just shrugs his shoulders, "just never met an American. Please tell me your not an annoying one who doesn't know Geography." I laugh, "God no, I know my way around places." He nods to the seat in front of me, "can I sit? I'm meant to be meeting my sister but she's late as always." I nod, "sure, I guess you can sit."

Just then I get given my coffee and after the lady leaves a teenage looking girl walks up to us, "Sup bro, who's this unlucky girl your talking to." He scoffs, "oh, shut it Liv." I laugh as they pull faces at each other and then say, "my names Chris, and I guess you must be Liv." She nods, "yep, and your American. We get a lot of you this time of year, so what you here for a big Europe trip?" I shake my head, "no, my boyfriend is moving up here because his dad is making him work in the offices down the road, then I have to go back home for collage. I'm sorry I didn't get your name." The guy laughs, "right, I'm Sam. It must be rough if he's staying and your not."

I just shrug, "we're gonna make the most of it." Liv then sits and asks, "where do you go to Uni then?" I look at them confused, "Uni?" Sam laughs, "we call Collage University here." I nod, "right, well I go to Yale." She smirks, "brains and beauty, your fella is one lucky bloody guy." After I finished my coffee Liv gave me her number so we could hang out and then I spent the rest of my day going on tours and shopping, then going to lunch with Logan. After that he took me to the office and I met his colleagues Bobby, Nick, and Phillip.

I was with Logan and we had just gotten back to the apartments, "so what do you think of them three." I smile, "they seem amazing." He raises an eyebrow, "even Bobby?" I nod, "even her. Do you think she likes shopping and movie nights. I can see us now with face masks and gossiping." He laughs, "I'm sure you can. So what happened with your day other then spending my money." I laugh, "very funny. I actually met two people this guy our age named Sam and his teenage sister Liz she gave me her number." He smiles, and gives me a kiss, "well I can't wait to meet them. Now off to bed we go." I sit on top of him and give him a wink, "who said we would be sleeping." He just laughs and smirks and I lean down and kiss him. Best first day in London ever!!

A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked the first part and the fact that I made it so Chris likes Bobby. I don't think Chris would be a jealous girlfriend type and I think the fact Logan didn't react when she told him about Sam shows that he's better in that department now. Tell me any ideas you have for this season and what you look forward to seeing.

Xoxo Maddie.

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