Part 4

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I had just finished my class and my phone starts to ring and I see it's my dad, "hey kiddo." "Hey dad, what ever you think I did it was Rory." He laughs, "I'm just calling to say my mom wants to meet with you and she doesn't have your number so..." "So you're calling me. Yeah I would love to meet up with her, when was she thinking?" "This afternoon, at this fancy afternoon tea place called 'Petals Tearoom.'" I nod, "is there a dress code." "Formal to a certain level. She said at two if you can kiddo." "Yeah, that gives me an hour to get ready. I will see her there." "Great, and thank you so much for doing this." "Of course."

I went back to my apartment and got ready for tea with Francine. (Outfit above.) I then arrive at the tearoom and they lead me to a table. Francine stands up and gives me a hug, "thank you for coming, you look lovely." We sit down and I say, "thank you." Someone comes over and pours us some tea and Francine says, "you must be wondering why I reached out to you now of all times. You are soon graduating Yale, correct?" I nod, "yes I am." She smiles, "I am so proud of that and so is my son. You see I have missed out on a lot of your life and I really do wish to be apart of it." I nod, "I would love you to be apart of it as well." She sighs in relief, "thank you, now tell me all about your plans for after graduation."

"I am still planning on opening up a business, I have already set up a website and rented an office for me to work in." She gives me a soft smile, "you are both Gilmore and Hayden, you're going to do both families proud." I sip on my tea, "I will try my hardest. This is my dream and I plan to make it happen no matter what." She nods, "then you will do it and you will be the best. Now I hear you are dating a Huntzberger." I reply, "I am, he's in London right now and I can't wait for him to visit. I spent the start of the summer there with him. I miss him." She nods, "you really are one lucky girl." I then ask, "have you reached out to my sister." She shakes her head, "no, I fear that she would not accept anything I have to say. I am sure however she will do great things." I nod, "I think everyone is sure of that."

After our tea I went to Stars Hollow. I went to the Inn and found my mom, "hey mom, can we talk." She nods, "of course, what are you doing here?" We sit in the library and I say, "I had tea with dad's mom today. She wants to be apart of my life, I just felt like I should tell you." Mom smiles, "I think that is amazing she reached out to you. I may not be the women's biggest fan but if you want to get to know her then you should. Did she contact Rory as well?" I shake my head, "I don't think so." Mom gives me a hug, "I'm glad you told me, so do you want some coffee?" I nod, "always."

A/N: I know this is a short part the next one will be returning to the episodes and I just really wanted to do something like this. Tell me what you want to see next and who you want to see it with.

Xoxo Maddie.

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