Part 10

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I woke up at five in the morning because I heard my message machine bleeping and saw I had like twenty messages. After listen to the first five I got the message that mom and dad were back from Paris and wanted me to call. I pick up my phone and call, "hey mom, just so you know one message would have been fine." She sighs, "I your dad said the same thing, is it that bad to show my love for my daughter." I sit up, "it is when that love wake me up at five because of it's loud bleeping."

I hear dad shout, "hey kiddo!" "Your dad says hi, anyway five in the morning here is noon in Paris." I shake my head, "then call your daughter from Paris, so how was the trip." I hear mom pause then she says, "come for dinner tonight and find out, Rory should be here too." I sigh, "I can't I have a study group, because my professor wants to kill me." "All the more reason to stay away from him. Look you have to come tonight." "Can't you just tell me at the weekend when I visit." "No it has to be tonight." I ask, "why?" ".... because-- Snails." I frown, "snails?" "Yes we brought them back and if we don't eat them tonight they could go bad." "You want me to eat snails?" "Please." "Fine, I'll be there. Now I am going back to bed." "who knew you to be so lazy. Sleep well hun." "I will, next time you wake me up with messages I will kill you. Love you." I hang up and go back to bed.

After my day I get ready to go back home and on the way up Logan calls, "so how was your day?" I sigh, "okay, I was dragged by Noah to a basketball game. I think I saw Rory there as well." "what was your sister doing at a sports game?" I laugh, "she fell asleep halfway through. I mean she is my sister." I then unlock the door turn to see Logan. I squeal and drop my phone as I run to him and he gives me the biggest hug ever. "What are you doing here and why do you insist on giving a heart attack every time you come into town."

He let's me go and smirks, "hey you don't love me for being normal, and it's really fun." He gives me a kiss and I smile seeing his cheeky grin and say, "I'll get you back one of these days. So tell me the reason for being here this time." He asks, "you know that space we've been trying to book for out launch party?" I nod, "the um... Orchid room." He nods, "the problem is, it's booked till 2008, or it was until Nadine Maybrook broke up with Jamie Erman, thus canceling their engagement, thus freeing the space up for tonight." I smile, "that's great, I mean minus the break up thing." He laughs, "hey, Ryan invited them. The more the merrier. It's gonna be huge."

"So, you're have your official launch party tonight! That's huge." He corrects me, "well, actually, it's our prelaunch launch party. Our launch party will take more than 48 hours to plan. Its starts at nine. You can be there, right?" I sit on the couch as Logan puts his stuff away and I say, "oh, yeah. I have dinner with my parents, but I can stop by after." He asks, "when did they get back from France?" I turn the TV on as he joins me, "last night. I would just skip normally, but for some reason my mom really wants to see me and cook me snails." He nods, "okay, then I guess I will see you post-snails."

I ask, "so did Bobby plan it?" He laughs, "you think us guys would be trusted to plan it." I laugh along, "you're right, how stupid of me." He then asks, "so you are okay with me moving back in right? I mean we are close to the train station so going to work in New York should be quick and if I can't get back I can stay with Ryan." Slowly let what he says sinks in and I jump on him, "New York? As in an hour away! That's so much closer than London." He smirks, "an hour and 20 minutes actually. So you cool with me moving back in?" I give him a kiss, "more than cool with it, I get my man back. Wait so Ryan's moving to New York? Why not just join Rory in their apartment." He shrugs, "he said he wants to take on most of the late nights. So you happy?" I give him another kiss, "more then happy."

A/N: Hey guys hope you liked this part, Chris finding out about the marriage is next. Tell me what you think will happen and drama is ahead for Chris. As always if you have any ideas for this season of the Year In The Life please do comment them. #

Xoxo Maddie.

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