Part 12

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I feel the bed move and see Logan getting up, "where are you going?" He sighs and kisses my head, "go back to sleep. I know for a fact you only have afternoon classes today." I sit up, "it's fine, you going to work?" He nods, "yeah, please just go to bed." I get up with him, "no I'm up, I do need coffee though." I walk down and grab a coffee with Logan behind me and he says, "I feel bad now." I shake my head, "don't, hey I forgot to ask can you make it to Lucy's 2002 party tonight? It should be fun." He sighs and kisses the side of my head as he get's coffee for himself, "I would love to but I have to work. I'm wining and dining some clients." I smirk, "you could always bring them, there's a keg." He laughs, "as much as I would love to see their faces and my dad's when he hears about it I can't." I sigh, "fine, but tomorrow night? We can hit the town me, you, Rachel, Noah, and we could even call up Finn and Colin." He grabs his jacket, "sounds perfect, I'll see you when I get home."

(Outfit above.) I get to the party and see Marty at the bar I got to know him better seeing as he's Lucy's boyfriend, "hey Marty, can I get the normal?" He nods, "coming up." After I get my drink I walk over to Rachel, "you having fun?" She nods, "yep, so Colin called and said you invited him and all the old gang for a night out. Did my invite just get lost or...?" I laugh, "I was going to invite you tonight dummy. Oh look Paris is here." Rachel laughs, "now this should be fun to watch." Olivia comes over and smiles, "Lucy looks like she's living the dream talking to Paris." I nod, "yeah, well come on let's dance!" The laugh as I lead them to the dance floor.

Soon a circle is gathered on the dance floor and Doyle and Paris are dance, weirdly but it was kind of cool in a way. As the night went by somehow Lucy was still dancing and me and Rachel had given up choosing to sit down and we may be wasted. I then stage whisper, "Rach, we should dance on the table." She laughs, "I promised Logan to keep you off tables." I pout, "please!!" She shakes her head, "nope." I get up and as I get on the table I sing, "can't stop me now! because having such a good time! I'm having a ball!" Everyone cheers me on as I dance to the song and my sister looks mortified and Rach yells up, "get down before you break your neck." I yell back, "party pooper!" Suddenly I feel someone take me down from the table and sees it's Marty and Rachel thanks him.

Deciding I was drunk enough for the night Rachel took it upon herself to take me home after I said night to Lucy and Olivia. As we get out the Taxi she helps me up to my apartment and as she opens the door I say, "I'm fine! I'm not even that drunk." She gives me a really look and then Logan walks down half asleep and when he sees me says, "I've got her, thanks Rachel." She nods and hands me to Logan, "no problem, see you tomorrow Tina." She kisses my forehead and then leaves.

Logan helps me up the stairs and to the bed and I smirk, "kiss me." He laughs, "maybe in the morning. We should get to bed, yeah?" I try to sit up as I say, "I want to dance more." Logan stops me and keeps me laying down, "in the morning you can have coffee, kisses, and a dance party if you go to bed right now." My face brightens up but before I could respond my eyes start to droop and I fall asleep.

A/N: I know not a lot happened in this part and I haven't updated in awhile, I was focusing on my new story for a bit to get it running. I hope you liked the return of drunk Chris and don't forget to tell me what you want to see next. Also do you want her to spend Christmas with the Huntzberger's or with Logan, Colin, Rachel, and Noah on a trip somewhere? Let me know in the comments.

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