Part 2

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It was my last day in London before I head back home. It's been amazing and I really don't want to leave. I wake up to a Logan-less bed and a note that said, 'morning Queenie, I have gone to work but as soon as you wake I want you dressed and to come by so I can kiss and cuddle you. I should only have two morning meetings so after we have the whole day to spend together and I have plans. -Charming.' I smile and jump out of bed and get dressed for my last day in London. (Outfit above.)

When I am ready I call a taxi and they come and pick my up and take me to Logan's office building. After getting out of the elevator I walk to his office and wave to Steve on my way in. I see Logan on his computer and say, "have I come at a bad time mate?" He laughs, "mate? Is that what you're calling me now Queenie. You really know how to wound a guy." I give him a kiss, "you know I do. So are you ready for a day of the two of us." He grabs his jacket, "yep, I just finished the last of my meetings."

As we walked to Logan's car my phone rings and I see it's Liz, "hey Chris, it's your last today right?" Logan opens the door for me and I get in as I say, "yes it is Liz, why?" She scoffs, "why? Come on hun, me and you totally need to meet up today and say bye. Well me, you, and Sam of course. What do you say? You can bring your hottie boyfriend along if you want." I look at Logan and ask, "Logan can we meet up with Liz and Sam, they want to say bye properly." He nods, "sure, we can meet up with them now if you want." I nod and then say to Liz, "meet us at the coffee shop we first met." "Okay, we'll be there in five."

We got to the coffee shop and I see the siblings waiting for us and Liz ambushes me in a hug, "I'm going to miss my Miss USA bestie. You'll still call me though right." I sit down and say, "of course, it might be at 2 am because of the time difference but I will." She nods, "you know my sleep pattern is a mess anyway." Sam shakes his head, "you need to fix that before school Liz." She shakes her head, "whatever, mum." I laugh at the two and Logan just smirks. At first Logan and Sam didn't get along but they seem cool with each other now.

We leave them and I give them both one final hug before me and Logan leave. We spent the day sight seeing and right now we are on a horse and carriage ride. Logan turns to me, "how are you feeling about the last phone call you got from your mom." I sigh, "you mean about the fact my mom and dad are now going on dates and I had to hear it on a voicemail. I had time to think and maybe it won't end in tears this time." He gives me a look and I go head first into his shoulder and let out a groan and he asks, "you alright down there?" I sit up and sigh, "who am I kidding, one of them is bound to brake the others heart, they always do." Logan gives me a hug and I snuggle into him, "it's all going to be okay Queenie, no matter what you will never loose the two of them from you life." He kisses the top of my head and we spend the rest of the ride like this in comfortable silence.

When we got back to the apartment building he took me up the roof and I gasp, "Logan what is all this, I mean how?" The roof was decorated with candles and fairy lights and there was a table with Chinese food on it. He pulls out my chair, "milady." I smile and sit and he tucks me in and then takes his own seat. I then ask again, "how did you manage this, you were with me all day." He shrugs, "I have my little helpers, by that I mean Bobby and Ryan. Do you like it." I nod, "I love it." I give him a kiss over the table and he then brings out a champagne bottle, "champagne?" I nod and he pops open the bottle and pours me a glass and we lift them up as he says, "to us, this is our always." I cheers glasses with him and says, "to our always."

A/N: So Chris is leaving back to the US, will their relationship survive that or will it crumble? What troubles could be in the way of their happily ever after and will they over come them? Also I have started a new book set in the Doctor Who universe so please check that out.

Xoxo Maddie.

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