Part 19

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I parked outside my Mom's house and see Rory's car already in the driveway. Mom, Rory, Dad and GG come running out and mom gives me a hug, "I am also mad at you." I pout, "what did I do now to deserve such a nice greeting." She crosses her arms, "you didn't let me pick you up from the airport." I sigh, "Logan offered me his car, I couldn't say no have you seen his face." She sighs, "you are too in love, it's sickening." Just then I say hi to the others, "hey guys, hey my favorite little sissy." GG beams at me and hugs onto my leg and Rory says, "You wound me on multiple levels." I laugh and dad gives me a kiss on the cheek and he grads my bag, "welcome home kiddo."

As GG and dad take in the gifts I brought, I turn to the house, "mom you took the Christmas stuff down." She shakes her head, "I never put them up, you see I had no Christmas because we said no Christmas. I even stopped the snow, your sister here did have Christmas though and by the looks of that necklace so did you. I raised you better then this." I sigh, "I went away with Logan's family, I didn't want to be rude." She sighs, "it's fine." I laugh, "I hereby apologize for all the Christmas going on around me that I took part in. Now come on I need a shower."

It's the next day and we had just got back from tree shopping, we got a lot of trees same as every year. and I got a text from Noah telling me to meet him by the gazebo and I picked up his present and went to meet him. When I got there he grabbed me into a hug and spun me around, "you have no idea how much I missed you Chris, it was like half of me was gone." He lets go of me and I laugh, "I missed you too." He pouts, "you abandoned me." I hold out his present, "will this make up for it?" He grabs it, "depends what it is." He opens it and smiles, "so you like it?" He beams up at me, "I love it, I think." I laugh, "it's a bracelet, but when you press the button my matching one lights up, and same with when I do yours. So when we're apart we know when we're thinking of each other." He puts it on and presses the button and mine lights up, "I love it, your arm will be forever lit up."

I get home to see dad singing loudly and very much out of tune, "Dad, what are you doing?" He smiles, "well if it isn't our resident singer, see Lore she can lead the vocals." I frown, "then what now?" Rory frowns, "dad wants to go caroling." I laughs, "your not serious." Mom nods, "a new tradition to add to the list. Please help us outvote him." I nod, "yeah, that's a no from me. What else do you have in mind?" Dad hold up this huge ugly looking stocking, "I have one for each of us, this is yours." I pull face, "I have one, it may be a little burned but..." Mom smirks, "but they are nothing like those ones." I nod, "I guess not, go on then dad. Hang mine up." He smiles and continues to sing as he hangs them up.

I was chilling at Luke's with Noah when Luke comes in, "oh, Chris your home." I smile and give him a hug, "yep, I am. So how are things?" He sighs, "not great, can we actually talk up in the apartment." I nod, "yeah, of course. Lead the way." I give Noah and nod and he nods back as I follow Luke. When we get there we sit at the table. "look I have to ask you something. After you left April's mom told me she wanted to move up to New Mexico with April." My eyes widen, "is she allowed to do that?" He sighs, "I mean I guess, her mom's sick and they need to move up there full time. Now I wanted to see April some school holidays and maybe a weekend once a month." I nod, "why wouldn't you." He looks down, "she said no to that. So I'm suing for custody, the dates round the corner and I need two character references, I already asked your mom and she said yes. Now I understand it is a lot of pressure sp if you don't want to--" I cut him off, "yes, for Gods sake yes." He smiles, "really? Thank you so much. I mean that really." He gets up and gives me a hug and I ask, "so food on the house?" He laughs, "sure, your mom has the address to send it to."

Mom and Rory were out getting candy cane coffee, that I don't even think they sell anymore, and I was on a phone call to Logan, "I mean what am I even meant to write, I really don't want to mess this up." "How could you, you've known this man for most of your life. Just write why you think he would make a good dad." I sigh, "that's thing, I know why. I mean he was practically mine growing up. I just don't want to diss my dad in this. We're finally in a good place." "You won't be dissing anyone, just tell the truth. Look I have to go to a meeting but you got this. I love you." "I love you too." As I was about to start writing again my bracelet lit up making me smile, these two boys have my back no matter what.

A/N: I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to do this, I've just started college however I finally have inspiration to start this again. Thank you for sticking with me and I hope you liked this part and that I got Chris to write a letter as well as Lorelai.

Xoxo Maddie.

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