Part 3

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When I got home I spent the rest of my summer with Noah just hanging out and with mom and my sister. I even witnessed what it looks like for my mom and dad to be together. I guess you can say I am sorta used to it now in some way. Also with dad coming round more means he is taking me and Rory out for lunches more as well.

I have just got back to mine and Logan's apartment. I have just finished putting all my clothes away and look around and sigh. I look at the clock and see it should be around 3 in the afternoon for Logan. I call his office and his secretary Danny answers, "Logan Huntzberger's office." "Hey Danny, it's Chris. Is Logan there?" "He's actually in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?" "Just tell him I got to Yale safe and to call me back." "I will." I hang up the phone and just look around, this place is way too big for just me.

Just then the phone rings and I say, "hello?" "Christina, it's your grandpa here, I have some news." "Is everything's okay, Grandpa." He laughs, "everything is fine. It's just I have been invited to teach an economics class this year. I was wondering if that sounded okay with you?" I then hear Grandma ask him, "what about this jacket? Too formal? Yeah it's too formal." I laugh at grandma before saying, "I would actually really like that, I'll be sure to sign up for the class." "Brilliant, I'm sure you'll be no trouble at all." "Who knows, I take after my grandpa and from what I hear he was quite the trouble maker at Yale." "Are you sure? I thought he was a modal student." I laugh, "I sure you did. Well I have to unpack, I'll talk to you soon. Bye." "Goodbye Christina."

It's the next day and in the afternoon and I hear a knock at my door I open it and squeal in joy at seeing who it is. Lucy and Olivia. I give them hugs and we all jump around together. When we pull apart I ask, "what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever." I lead them in and Lucy gasps, "well someone has a rich boyfriend. How is Logan?" I sigh, "hot, and in London. So what did I do to deserve this amazing surprise." We sit down and Olivia says, "well, we just went to your old place and invited Rachel and she told us you moved here so here we are. I'm having this art showcase and you need to come. Please?" I nod, "of course. When is it?" Lucy smirks, "amazing, well it's tonight can you make it?" I nod, "yes, I have no boyfriend around so I am mostly free all nights. Now who here wants vodka, or whisky." The both say, "me please."

After getting tipsy they left to help set the showcase up and I get ready to go out. (Outfit above.) Me and Rachel arrived together and I saw Olivia's piece and then I see them talking to someone and we walk over, "hey guys, have you seen Elijah? I am no longer sure it's a performance piece." They laugh and Lucy says, "oh right, Rory this is Chris and Rachel, guys this is Rory. She's with the press." She turns around and Rory says, "oh hey guys, Chris is actually my sister." I see Rachel slightly roll her eyes and I give her a look to play nice. "Hey sissy. So what do you think of Yale's best artists. I personally think Olivia's is the best, that horse made of cans is genius."

Rachel nods, "totally, best I've seen all night. Speaking of those light bulbs almost blinded me, I don't care how cute the guy who made them is I will kill him if I get blinded again." Lucy laughs, "calm down Rach, he's cute so we excuse it. We were going to show Rory around do you want to join?" I shake my head, "no it's fine, just come see us before you leave." Olivia nods, "duh, and try not to get into trouble." Rachel winks, "you know us." Lucy nods, "that's why she said it." We laugh as the tree of them leave. Rachel then scoffs, "and Rory has now got her claws in." I hit her arm, "my sister is allowed to make new friends." Rachel sighs, "there is a room full of people and she just so happens to find our old roommates. Come on I need a stronger drink if your sister is here and if I have to be nice."

Lucy and Olivia ended up going back to Rory's and me and Rachel went back to mine. We get back and she goes to my DVD collection as I go to find some candy or popcorn to eat. When I get back with loads of junk food Rachel says, "wow, that's a lot of food. Someone seems sad, what's wrong?" I dump the food on the coffee table and sit on the coach and sigh, "I miss Logan, this is my moping food." She holds up the movie, "how about 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' would that make you feel better?" I nod, "add a sleepover and you and my other bestie and we might be close." She nods, "calling him now." As she get's him on the phone I say, "ask him to bring ice cream please." She nods and hangs up saying, "he is on his way now." When Noah get's here we get junk food and watch the movie.

We must have fallen asleep on the couch because I wake up to the phone ringing, "hello?" "I'm sorry Queenie did I wake you up?" I sit up, "no, Logan sorry. We were having a girl movie night and I must have fallen asleep. So how has your morning been?" "Good, I had a very early meeting and a lot of coffee, so much I thing your mom would be proud of me." I laugh, "sounds like a lot." "So tell me about your day." "Well it was normal and then around in the afternoon Lucy and Olivia came round and invited me to Olivia's showcase..."

A/N: I know I haven't updated in a long time but it is because I have been trying to keep up with home learning and I have been falling slightly behind. I will try my hardest to upload as much as I used to. Tell me what you think of the movie night and the fact that Rory is now friends with Olivia and Lucy? Are you happy that they're back? Tell me what you want to see happen next?

Xoxo Maddie.

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