Part 21

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Me and Rory were in the waiting room of the hospital, we were just both out of it. Just then a lady nudges Rory and we snap out of it and we hear her phone ringing. She answers it then mouths to me, 'mom' I nod and she walks off to take the call. Just then mom walks in and I join them, "hey." Rory then says, "they're doing tests, so that's where he is. Blood tests and another EKG, they did one of those in the ambulance but I guess, they're still trying to determine how much damage was caused by the heart attack." I nod, "but it was definitely a heart attack. They said it was a myocardial infraction, which is a heart attack. We guessed the EKG tells them how bad the blockage of his arties is and what degree of the coronary artery disease he has."

Rory jumps in, "or SAD as they're calling it because apparently, everything is a what do you call it...." I answer, "acronym." Rory nods in thanks, "the CAD, CICU, the EKG." Mom cuts off our rambling and pulls us into a hug, "come here." I hold back my tears, "it was awful. He just fell down. I've never seen him so small." She rubs my back, "I know sweets, but girls it's going to be okay." She leaves to call dad and I call Noah, "Kitten! How is everything I heard from Babette what happened. I'm with Rachel, do you want us to head down." "I'm fine, they're doing some tests. No need to come down I'll be fine I promise. Okay?" I then hear Rachel, "now you listen to me Tina I am not taking no for an answer, we'll be down later with some brownies. Have you called Logan yet?" "Not yet I think Rory called Ryan so he should know." "He'll want to hear it from you so call him." "Yeah I will I'll do it now."

After calling Logan and reassuring him I was fine I went back to mom and Rory. I got there and they had a lot of snacks on the table, "oh, what have we got here." Rory smiles, "couldn't pick, so got one of everything." I sit next to them, "I'm not actually that hungry." They nod, "same." Just then the doctor walks out, "Gilmore?" We stand up and the doctor walks over to us and says, "hi, I'm doctor Goldstein. You're Richard Gilmore's family." Mom nods, "yes. Is he okay?" He nods, "he's doing alright. He's conscious and cogent and not in any significant pain now." Rory nods, "oh, good." I nod along and he then says, "we just sent him down to the cath lab to get an angiogram. After that, we should be able to get a better sense of what kind of blockage is around his heart and then we'll be able to figure out where to go from there."

Soon after the doctor leaves grandma walks up to us looking annoyed, "have you seen him?" Mum shakes her head, "oh, hi, mom." I then answer her, "well, no ,not since he was in the ER." She then asks, "where is he?" Mom then explains, "uh, the doctor came out. He said he's in the cath lab getting an angiogram." She scoffs, "nonsense." We follow her as she goes to the front desk and Rory argues, "no, it's true. He said he would come and get us when they had the results."

Grandma was now ignoring us and talking to the front desk lady, "I'm Emily Gilmore and I would like to see my husband." She gives her a big smile and I wince seeing it as the lady says, "well, let's see, what is you husband's name?" She huffs, "Gilmore, Richard Gilmore. I'm his wife and I would like to see him now." She checks her list then says, " oh, I'm sorry he's in the cath lab right now getting an angiogram, but the doctor will come find you as soon as they're done." She glares at the women, "well there's no need to be so cheery about it. Honestly someone with your chipper personality ought to be a weather girl or a preschool teacher." The lady's face makes it seem like she's on the verge of crying, "I'm sorry you feel that way." grandma shakes her head and says before she leaves, "oh, please don't mope." As she leaves we try to mouth an apology and the lady just waves us off saying it's fine.

After we followed Grandma away from the front desk she went onto a rant about a club eventually leading her to saying it was all there fault because they didn't do fish. I mean I love the women but she truly does know how to complain. Just then I see Noah with a giant teddy bear and Rachel next to him with brownies and I walked up to them, "guys, I thought I said--" Rachel cuts me off, "you did, then I promised brownies, and we also brought this big guy. Isn't he cute." Before I can speak my Grandma walks up to us, "Rachel, Noah, what are you doing here." Noah gives her a polite smile, "Mrs Gilmore, we heard what happened and wanted to come down to see if we could help you in any way." Rachel nods, "and we came baring snacks, mostly because Chris stress eats." I stop my hand that was going to a brownie, "no I don't." She raises an eyebrow at me and my Grandma then says, "well that is very kind of you thank you. However, I don't believe there is anything for you to do." Noah nods, "well we can stay incase anything comes to mind." I raise my hand, "coffees." Noah hands my mom the giant teddy and I get the brownies, "we are on it." We get a salute and they then exit.

Soon after they left we were told we were aloud to see grandpa before he would be taken into surgery. After we had seen him we went back to waiting room and I see Ryan and Logan enter and both me and Rory run up to them giving then hugs, as Ryan and Rory went to sit down Logan didn't let me go and just mumbled into my hair, "how you holding up?" I pull away slightly and give him a small smile, "I'm holding, you didn't have to come you know. Noah and Rachel are here. Wait how did you get here so quick." He smirks, "you wouldn't believe me. " I sigh, "try me." We go to sit down nd he says, "we came by chopper." I gasp, "no way, since when did you have one?" Ryan overhears and laughs, "we don't." Logan nods, "I was in a meeting when we got the calls and the guy let us borrow his chopper." I roll my eyes, "he says as if it's nothing." He takes my hands, "was more worried about you."

Soon Rachel and Noah came back with coffees saying the had the bribe the nurses into letting them us their machine. I soon sent them home insisting we would all be fine and they said to call with news. Grandma had sent me, Logan, Ryan, and Rory to the house to get some of grandpas stuff and collect the fish order. When we got the house the boys did the fish and I took the clothes as Rory did the office. I was sorting out grandma's clothes when Logan comes in and says, "me, Ryan, and the fish guy are going on tour" I turn around confused, "as long as you don't quit your day jobs. I've heard your singing."

He gasps in fake hurt, "hey! I am a great singer, but I meant with our comedy act." I nod slowly, " I still stand by my comment. So do you think pants, or skirt. I don't want to offend her with the pants but they are comfy." Logan pulls a face, "how are pants offending?" I sigh, "this is my grandma Emily Gilmore we are talking about. I'll just pack both, then she can choose. I already did grandpa I just can't pick a jacket for grandma, pick one." I hold to up and he points, "that one see simple. Come on lets go." I nod and pack the other jacket and when he sees he scoffs so I just look at him all innocent, "what?" He shakes his head, "I love to see the trust. I was going to tell you about this new business venture me and Ryan came up with that my father said no to but now..." He picks up the bag and walks away as I run after, "wait! No fair, tell me!" On the car ride back he gave into my puppy dog eyes and told me all about this plan and he plans to go about it against his dad.

The surgery went great and after listening to music with him we left him to sleep for a bit and when I left the room I turned to Logan, "my dad's still not here. Luke stopped by, but no dad. Somethings wrong with him and mom I can feel it." He pulls me in, "hey, it will all work out I promise. That's tomorrows problem. You still got those brownie's from Rachel I'm starving." I nod we go sit and eat the brownies as I try to forget and bout my dad and just be happy that Grandpa was okay. When we went back I saw dad finally there just about to go see Grandpa and I went to join them when I saw mom's face, this isn't going to end well.

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