Part 15

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A/N: hey guys so the next few parts are going to be Chris on a family holiday with Logan's family enjoy

It's the beginning of the week and Christmas is on Friday. Rory is meeting up with Ryan in London for Christmas so mom put the Gilmore Christmas on hold until she get's back so I decided to join Logan, his parents, Honour, and Josh for their Christmas in Lapland. Me and Logan had just finished packing our bags and made our way to his parents house to meet them for the car.

When we got there the car wasn't even there yet so we are now sat in their living room waiting. After a couple of moments of silence Honour says, "I am so glad you made it this year C." I nod, "same here, I can't wait." Shira smiles, "You'll love it dear, the views are absolutely stunning" Logan nods, "yeah and there's this festival we go to it every year, you'll love it." Just then the maid walks in and says, "Mr Huntzberger the car for the airport has arrived." Mitchum nods, "thank you, we will be gone for the week so lock up the house before you leave." She nods and we all leave to the car.

When we arrived Mitchum was talking to someone and then they were escorting us the family private jet. Me and Logan took the two seat by themselves and the flight attendant gave us both glasses of champagne. Logan then takes out his iPod and gives me one of the earphones and we listen to the playlist we made last night on the way there and I fell asleep on his shoulder.

I woke up form Logan nudging me, "Queenie? We're here." I sit up and rub my eyes, "I'm up." We had arrived at night time so we just took the car to their house there and Logan took me to the room he normally stays in and we both unpacked. We then went back to the dining room and had dinner with his family. It consisted for talk of business with Mitchum, mine and Logan's future with Shira, and shopping talk with Honour. After dinner we went to our room and watched a Disney movie before going to bed.

The next morning I woke up and found a massive breakfast on the table. We sat down and Logan asks, "where's dad?" Shira sighs, "he just had to go into the study here to make some calls. Now who wants pancakes! Chris hunny?" I take the plate she was offering, "yes please." I add some toppings and Honour asks, "so what are everyone's plans? Josh here wants to go snowboarding I personally want to go to the spa." Logan smirks, "I like Josh's idea better sis." I roll my eyes, "obviously you do, I'll join Honour at the spa then." Shira says, "I would join you girls too but I have some friends to meet up with."

We all get ready for the day and go our separate ways. (Outfit above.) Me and Honour are getting our nails done and asks, "so honestly, when Logan pops the question who will be the maid of honour." I think for a moment, "totally Rachel." Honour hums in agreement, "I get why, but why not Rory? She is your sister and not from another mister." I sigh, "I just feel like Rachel is more of a sister then Rory, we've had our ups and downs and I just feel like Rachel deserves it more." Honour nods, "I can see that, if I didn't know I would never guess you and Rory to be sister's."

I smile, "I guess we don't always see eye to eye and we have different ideas of what's right or perfect." Honour then asks, "so who would make the cake?" "Sookie all the way. I don't care if she isn't famous I have had this planned since I was five and she's one of the only things that never changed." Honour laughs, "my mom won't be thrilled with that. So what designer for the dress? I mean you have one picked out right?" I laugh, "what's with all questions? Has Logan said something?" Her eyes widen, "what? No! Now would you look at that our nails are done. Time for the hot tub." She doesn't mention anything about it after that and when we get back to the house everyone is there for dinner.

That night after dinner in bed I turn to Logan, "Charming? Did you mention something about us and a wedding to your sister." He groans, "maybe. I am so going to kill her. All I did was tell her I could see you being the one and then asked for her opinion. You don't find it weird right?" I give him a kiss, "I find it cute. Night Charming." He turns out the light, "Night Queenie."

A/N: Hey guys so there will be two more parts of her holiday with the Huntzberger's. Tell me how and when you think the all important question will be asked by Logan. Also I should have more time to update because I only have two more tests to go.

Xoxo Maddie.

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