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BARE WITH ME. this chapter is LONG

"So—" John breathed out slowly as the two laid together in the bed. Diane was bored out of her mind, and so was John. They wished it was already midnight, but it was far from then. It was merely 7... Diane knew John wanted to go out with his friends and party tonight. She knew, and she wanted to go. But Nick was bound to be there, and it would be awkward and the tension would rise. But seeing John all bored, and tired, she knew she had to face Nick sometime.

"Do you wanna go out?" Diane asked John laying her head on his shoulder. With a concealed grin John nodded, "are you sure? I don't want you to think I don't wanna stay here with you." John said playing with her hair lightly. A deep, joyful smile spread across her face.

"I'm sure. Now let's get going." Diane giggled before she ran over to her closet to dress up. It's the best, but most stressful part about going out... Diane was sure she'd be fine talking to Nick like nothing happened. I mean how hard could it be? Right?

The music of the bar was loudly heard almost a mile away. Things get rough around New Years and it only made you more likely to drink the night away. Diane refrained from drinking anything, how could she after last time she'd gotten drunk? John went off with all his friends while Diane, stayed sitting at the counter. She really regretted coming here after all...

"Diane!" There was that screeching, annoying voice that belonged to the one and only Shelby. Great, now she'd have to hear all of Shelbys new drama. But, Diane being the rational person she is decided to just listen, instead of lying her way out of talking,

"Hi, Shelby." Diane said trying to have some pep in her voice. Don't sit down, don't sit down, don't sit down...shit. Diane thought as Shelby sat next to her. Oh she was in for it....

"So how's it going with you and John?" Shelby asked applying some lip gloss like she needed a minutely touch up. Diane wanted to leave so badly now, but how rude would she look?

"It's fine." She said over the music, with a slightly annoyed tone. Diane wasn't in any mood to answer any intimate questions about her and John which was Shelbys specialty. It's like Shelby knew everything about everyone. In everyone's eyes Shelby was still a gossiping teenager....which would make sense. She looked about 17 with her brittle bones and small figure. However, her love for cigarettes made her face age like crazy.

"So. It's almost 1981....crazy innit?" Shelby asked looking to the clock. Still a couple hours away from midnight. Jesus, she'd be here a while. The headache was already kicking into her head. Shelbys blabber mouth made it worse.

"Yeah, crazy." Diane said looking over to John who was in a deep conversation with Nick. Diane felt sick at the sight, almost like her soul had left her body. What if Nick slips something due to the alcohol? Oh no, she had to stop the drinking. Totally abandoning Shelby, she made her way over. Seeing the table already filled with empty glasses.

"Uh, boys. How about we stop the drinking before it gets too heavy, huh?" Diane said placing a hand on Johns back. Her eyes on Nick who had nodded at her as a sign that nothing had slipped. John laughed a little giggle...

"Oh, it's New Years! Give me a break....I'll be fine. Right Simon, won't I be fine?" John said obviously already tipsy. This made Diane worry a lot more...

"Yep. Fine...we're fine." Simon said....they hadn't even been properly introduced yet. With a glum look, Diane left the table and John. Now, it would be her responsibility to make sure he got home tonight....maybe a few drinks wouldn't hurt after all. Johns not the only one who can have fun....

She returned back to Shelby who was smoking a cigarette. Shocker....Diane would never dream of touching a cigarette. Or any sort of drug...hell she was scared to take Advil sometimes. Alcohol was her get away, and tonight was all about letting go. The new year would arrive soon....and Diane didn't want to waste her last moments in 1980 sitting around. So, she ordered her drink and sucked it down.

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