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(there is NO reason why this is so adorable it just is ya know?)

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(there is NO reason why this is so adorable it just is ya know?)

Later that night, John and Diane took a walk in around the town. Looking at the trees lightly covered in snow, and trying not to slip on the icy ground beneath them. It was dark out, but that didn't stop them from admiring the tall buildings towering over them. Johns arm pulled Diane's shoulder towards him, in effort to keep her warmer from the cold, nipping air. Even though Diane wasn't cold, she kept quiet not wanting John to let her go. The walk was quite silent, and honestly a little awkward. But they just enjoyed each other's company.

Something bright and flashy caught Diane's eye from the left of her. Lights. Christmas lights! Diane's favorite thing ever. She tugged on Johns sleeve and pointed to the shimmering bulbs with shining rays of light. John looked at her confused as she pulled him across the street and to the field. John smiled at Diane walking across the snow looking at each shining figure. Some were shaped like Christmas Trees, others Snowman's, and Sleighs. Each were a different, unique color.

"It's past Christmas, I wonder why they still have them up..." John thought out loud. Diane didn't take much thought into this.

"I'm glad they are." She said softly as she gestured for John to follow her further into the display of lights. John grinned his movie star like grin at her, seeing her with a smile on her face. That smile did wonders for John. It made him feel a way he didn't know he could feel. It scared him a bit, but also comforted him.

"It's quite slippery." John said as his shoes moved a little bit from the ground. Diane laughed at his struggling, and John made a face at her which she returned. Diane couldn't make too much fun, she too was slipping and sliding around. Regaining balance was harder than you'd think. Diane began making her way closer to John, and bumped into him a little too hard. He slipped up, getting his feet tangled with Diane's as she fell on top of him. They were a wet, cold mess. But they felt warm as they looked into each other eyes.

Now or never John....he thought to himself. The butterflies arose in his stomach again as he placed each of his hands on either side of Diane's face. John breathed in and out sharply before leaning up softly to connect there lips. Diane felt sparks go through her body. She's never been kissed like this before. But she wasn't complaining.

Diane kissed back moving her head a little to the side. They'd totally forgot they'd been laying in the snow getting soaked and cold. John pulled away gently and locked his eyes with hers again to get a glimpse of those eyes which showed him his future.

The two ended up walking back to Johns place to warm up from their freezing adventure in the snow. Diane had no other clothes with her to change into. It made her feel very weird, being the only one with wet clothes.

"Here." John said as he handed her a white shirt. Diane grinned appreciatively and went into the bathroom to slide it over her head. She knows John had seen all of her, but she still felt like she needed the privacy. It was complicated for her to really figure out how comfortable she felt with him.

She stepped out from the small bathroom and saw John in his bed with the covers open waiting for her to jump in beside him. Which she did in almost an instant. The two held each other tightly talking about everything. Anything you could imagine. Getting there problems out and there thoughts out. It was nice just pouring all your bottled up thoughts to someone who'd really understand it. With Diane's sleepy head laying softly on Johns chest, he pulled the covers up to give her warmth and turned off the lamp on his bedside table. Snuggling into her more, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: im SO sorry i haven't updated in 5 whole days. 😭 i feel terrible. but i hope you enjoyed. i appreciate every comment and vote on my story. thank you for all the love. okay love you bye 😘

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