427 14 14

everything basically falls apart from here on so....just a warning.

"Diane. Diane!" One of Diane's friends Shelby said snapping her fingers in front of Diane's blue eyes. They were a crystal blue, like the ocean on a sunny day. The light reflecting off of the cool waters. But, don't let them fool you. They could be cold, and darkening at times. They would snap into a unsettling blue that made you feel like you were falling into an endless lake. Diane never realized how crazy, and amazing her eyes were and what she could do with them. Can you blame her? They're just eyes.

Everyone tried to convince her she had the prettiest eyes. Every time, she denied and denied. Almost, like she was sick of people complimenting her. It's great, being called pretty all the time, but it could be tiring and when random, strange people you've never seen before join in. It can be uncomfortable.

"Jesus, Diane. Whatever are you thinking about?" Shelby said making Diane loose her deep, dark train of thought. With her deranged but passionate eyes snapping back into her eyesight.

"Oh, nothing. What?" She asked while holding her warm cup of coffee. The whole place smelled of coffee beans, and strangely enough pine tree's. This is what she thought about all the time, and it made her feel like a little kid. She didn't like it, how weird and childish her thoughts were. But that's just good old Diane for you.

"I you want to come with me to the party tonight? At the Pluie de Loups? No one else is coming. I thought me and you could have some girl time." Shelby said. This confused Diane. When did Shelby ever want to have girl time. Last time she was invited to a bar, she sat alone. That is until, he made conversation with her. This left Diane with two choices. One, decline and seem like a bitch. Two, go and be miserable. Either one would result in a bad outcome. What ever should she do.

"Fine. But if I get stranded I'm leaving. For good, and never talking to you again." She finally gave into the pressure and decided to go. Shelby clapped her hands together happily, with a cheeky smile on her face. It made Diane want to punch her....for some demented reason.


It was now time for Diane to go out. Alone with Shelby. Wow, should be fun. Shelby had this certain thing about her that didn't make a lot of people want to be around her. She was wealthy, and always had the best clothes, bags, shoes and everything trending. She normally finds something wrong with everything. Diane couldn't wait for her to look at her outfit and touch it up for her. 50 times in the same night. Shelby was a sweet girl and everything, but damn could she make you angry.

Diane slipped into a small red dress. It didn't fit, way too tight. But hey, it's the one night where you can dress slutty and get to drunk to listen to anyone's comments. She had completely forgotten to tell John. Not that she should have too. She couldn't help feeling like it was wrong not letting him know where she was going. Sure, they weren't dating. But, for some reason Diane felt she needed to. Like he deserved to know where she was. She was so close to picking up the phone and letting him know. But her superior self got in the way.

"Hey doesn't need to know." Diane muttered to herself before leaving her apartment in hopes of having a good night. Not that there was much of a chance for her.

A/N: this is just a filler chapter. sorry, it sucks but i have no spice. drama is DEFINITELY AHEAD HEHEHE

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