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Diane rushed around, trying to look her best. Jumping from the couch to her bed, to the floor, everywhere. Clothes were thrown into the air with no care of neatness. She was frantic, it was already 6:00!

"No. No. No—" Diane threw clothes behind her from her small closet. None of these clothing items screamed: "sexy date night at the bar"

With utter nervousness she dug, and clawed through clothes hoping to find something before he showed up. No, not this one. Ew, why did I even buy that one?


Diane pulled out a small black dress, with ruffles at the end. It wasn't too mellow, but not too bold either. It was just right. Finally, she found something formal to wear. A smile was plastered on her face, and it stayed there throughout the whole time.

Her knee was bouncing up from anticipation, as she waited on her couch looking out the window for his red car to pull up. It felt like a whole decade had come and gone within the time she sat with her hands folded neatly in her lap. It was dead silent except for the faint ticking of the clock behind which urged her to look at the time.


Finally, there was a knock on the door. It scared her a little at first, but then she became anxious to see John again. She was still getting over the fact that he'd actually asked her. No ones ever asked her out since like...middle school. How pathetic is that? For a second she couldn't find the courage to open the door but she wanted to. Her hand shakily turned the nob and without another moment of thinking she opened it.

The two chocolate brown eyes stood in front of her. A smile was on Johns face as he eyed her up and down slowly, trying not to seem weird and awkward. Diane blushed a shade of crimson red and bit her lip trying to be that of casual. It wasn't really working out in her favor.

"You look pretty...." John spoke what was on his mind accidentally, "good." he covered his mistake, running a hand through his hair.

"Pretty good." He muttered again making sure she knew what he meant. Diane's smile faded, but she gave an approving nod as the two walked out of the building at back to his car. She felt a wave of familiarity when she entered the warm car again. It reminded her of just a couple days ago.

"Do you listen to music?" John asked out of the blue. She was a bit confused and first but nodded unsure. John smiled and turned the small dial on the cars radio to 104.9

A small smile curled at the end of her lips at the sound of the music. Music was the escape of everything, in her opinion. You could get lost in a world of music notes if you wanted to.

The shops seemed to pass by slowly, but the car was going faster than usual. The music seemed to make the world go in slow motion. Especially, when John turned to look at the girl sitting next to him. He was so proud of himself for making it this far already without embarrassing himself. Diane thought the exact same thing.

They rolled up to the semi- loud bar along a small street. It was definitely one for just drinking, and partying, karaoke. Fun (young adult) stuff. Diane was always up for a party...but once she got there she'd just sit there staring into nothing letting her mind take over.

"What's your poison?" John asked her folding his hand on the bar counter relaxingly. A cheeky grin came across her face. She didn't know wether to actually tell him or not. It was a little weird.

"W-well, I mix Scotch with Vodka and then just drink it straight down." Diane answered a little nervous if he'd think it was weird. John furrowed his eyebrows together and stifled a laugh.

"Sounds interesting enough. I'll try it." John said before he actually ordered 2 vodkas and 2 scotches. She couldn't believe he was actually trying it. Anyone else she's suggested it to has always turned their nose up at the thought.

"You ready?" Diane asked him as they held the glass in their hands. John nodded nervously and she shrugged before taking a drink of the concoction she just invented. John struggled to drink it and coughed a little bit. She laughed a genuine laugh and brought his glass over to her.

"Wow." John said trying to catch his breath again. Diane knew it was a little strange and it didn't have much popularity but she loved it. John shook his head, releasing the taste from his mouth and memory.

"I take it you didn't really enjoy it?" Diane asked trying to appear funny. John shook his head vigorously, but all in good fun. She giggled at him, thinking of how much he differed from what opinions she had when she first met him.

"Well, you know what they say right?" He questioned leaning his elbow on the counter. She turned to face him and shrugged urging him to go on. John leaned in a little closer trying to be romantic.

"Opposites attract."

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