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That next morning Diane woke up earlier than usual. With no memory of what even happened last night. It was all black, and she didn't remember anything that took place just a couple hours ago. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up a little and get her memory back.

She tried feeling around for her lamp on her bedside table, but it wasn't there. For some reason, it was like it had disappeared. Confused, she looked to the left of her and she wasn't home. Her heart dropped out of her stomach, and she brought the blanket up to her chest. Everything was silent and the only light she could see was the slight crack of sunlight shining through the curtains.

Diane didn't know where she is, the memory was just gone. It was nonexistent in her brain anymore and she tried so hard to figure out how she got here but she couldn't. Her shoes caught her eye, kicked off the the side of the bed she was in. Her eyes wandered so slowly to the other side of her and that's when it finally hit her. John laid sleeping beside her, just breathing in and out like nothing was happening. She became nervous, so so so nervous. Did she? Did they?

Her legs carefully, so carefully, climbed out of the bed in effort not to wake him. What even happened last night? She knew what happened....but she kept trying to convince herself that she didn't. She's not like that...she's not a one night stand girl.

She pulled her only clothing which was a dress over her head, so quietly. The last thing she wanted to do was wake him up. How embarrassing would that be?

Diane knew her hair was such a mess but she had to leave before she had to talk about it with him. The morning after the worst kind of talk ever. She slipped her shoes on, slowly again being so skeptical and quiet. Like a mouse almost. Diane thought she had successfully accomplished her little mission of getting out but to her surprise John was awake and rubbing his eyes much like she did when she woke up. Damn it...

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...wake you." She said with a soft whisper. John shook his head as he stretched his arms out slowly and yawning as he did it. It was such a cute innocent yawn. It made Diane's heart melt, as she just looked at him in a state of euphoria.

"No, you didn't. Really." John assured her happily. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, giving him a soft, cheeky smile. It made John feel so different inside. Different from what he's ever felt when he was with a girl.

"Well, um.....I'm gonna go." Said Diane awkwardly as she tried to get her shoes on. She felt so embarrassed just fumbling around with her shoes in front of John.

"Finally." She muttered as she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her purse. Diane tried to leave this awkward situation as fast as she could. What would John think of her now?

The creaking of the door was so strained and slow, painfully slow. This couldn't get any worse for her could it? Let's be real.

"W-wait, Diane." John called feeling a sudden reason to speak up. Even he himself was a little shocked that he'd actually spoken up this time. Diane gracefully turned around waiting for him to finish.

"D-does this mean you'll go out with me again?" John said with confidence laced into his voice. Diane felt a sudden wave of relief, he still liked her? After all that? The overwhelming happiness was making Diane want to jump up and down.

A laugh escaped her lips as she ran her hands up and down her arms, to become warmer in his chilly room. She looked around getting one last glance at the room before nodding.

"I'll call you." She said simply before closing the door behind her leaving John to think she had a little bit of a mysterious in her after all. He smiled to himself shyly and ran a hand through his hair.

"'ve done it again." He said proudly popping his nonexistent collar for a sense that he was cool. At least, he thought he was...

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