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Another day or two

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Another day or two...maybe even 3 went by without one single call from John. Diane was started to loose hope, why would this be anything more than a fling? She sat around her apartment, eating ice cream, watching TV and any other pathetic thing you could think off. Her boredom was at an all time high, and she had nothing to do. No one to talk to. John hadn't called and he probably wouldn't.

She couldn't help but gaze at the phone every second to make sure it wouldn't start ringing again. Diane was exhausted of waiting around for some sort of call, but she didn't want to be the one to. I mean, she didn't want to seem desperate. She was bored out of her mind, it really did her head in how incredibly bland her day was. There were things she wanted to go out and do, but she lacked all motivation. Her arms were basically glued to her sides. She didn't want to move a muscle (AKA me everyday)

Diane thought about Johns bass leaning against the wall that she had saw. Wondering if he was actually any good, or if he played anything else. He wouldn't get out of her mind, his voice and eyes replayed in her mind like a broken record playing the same song over and over. The catch was she loved reminiscing about her time with John. It made her feel special, and somewhat loved. But it felt like it was all gone now. There's nothing she could do.

Her fingers traced along her copy of War and Peace, she kept reminding herself how much of a bookworm she was. Diane had it imprinted in her mind that no man would ever like a girl who's smart, and can read. It's like, every boy she's ever remotely been attracted to was only attracted to girls looks. Not her head, or her personality....her looks. But again, there's nothing Diane could do about it. The earth was an unkind, cruel place. But she had to see the beauty. There's beauty in everything. Even if you have to dig deeper, it's always there.

Half of her wanted to stay home and think about her down to earth comments, and the other half wanted to go out and party until she couldn't stand. Of course, one would result in consequence that she couldn't take back. Her mind was also fixated on the fact that she wanted coffee right now. Diane's thoughts got all bottled up, and then she thinks of 30 things at the same time. Coffee, books, John, music, party's, etc. it exhausted the hell out of her. But....there's nothing she could do.

"Looks like I'm going to get coffee." Diane muttered to absolutely no one. She stood up, feeling the bones in her legs crack at the sudden movement. She grabbed her keys, slipped her boots on and out the door she went. Oh, how relived she was to be out of her crammed apartment. Diane felt freedom, and that's the best feeling there is. The cold December air nipped at her fair skin, leaving shivers down her spine. She never liked the cold, there was nothing to like about it. But it would soon be January, and that always cheered her up. New Years Eve was definitely her favorite holiday by far which would surprise some people. She loved the idea of going into a new year feet first. Making New Years Resolutions were the best. Just that feeling of proudness when you've stayed up until midnight was enough to declare this as her favorite holiday.

Before she knew it, she'd arrived at the coffee shop. The walk seemed to go by in a flash, but she made it. The warm heated shop, made her smile. Diane felt so happy to be in the heat again. But seeing the snow outside just reminder her of how cold it would be again in a matter of seconds.

Her head turned towards the front counter again, and she saw none other than John sitting at the table with another boy. Smiling and laughing. Diane felt her face heat up, how could this happen to her. Of all people her?

Diane didn't know if she should just leave, or make her presence known. There's nothing she could do about it. So she kindly ordered her coffee, and walked towards him. Slowly walking up behind him, she tapped him on the shoulder bravely. When John saw her face, his whole world stopped again. He'd forgotten why he was here, and who he was talking to. A smile appeared on his face in an instant.

"D-Diane. How are you?" John mustered out the words sounding a little unsure, and nervous. Diane took notice in this and softened her face.

"I'm alright. How bout you?" She flipped it on him not wanting to take up all the attention. John shrugged with his hands still in his pockets, he looked rather adorable. She gave a small nod in response, knowing what he meant. This was definitely awkward, but he had to do something. Ice breaker, think of a question or something.

"Oh, Diane this is my—uh, friend Nick. He uh—Nick plays the keyboard actually. He's in— he's in a band with me." John introduced the boy in front of him. Diane stuck her hand out kindly and Nick shook it.

"Nice to—uh, meet you Nick." Diane said as she looked back into Johns eyes. That damned grin that had won her heart still intact. Nick bumped his shoulder urging him to actually say something else. His head whipped around to glare at Nick, who was having a terribly hard time concealing his chuckle.

"I didn't know you were in a band." Diane created a new conversation. John was so glad she'd started it, he was having trouble thinking of something to say.

"Oh, yeah. It's not— we're not to big." John assured her happily. "Yet." Nick added quietly. She smiled at the two of them biting her lip.

"Well your gonna have to play for me sometime." Diane said trying to make some sort of plan. John nodded almost instantly with a half smile, half smirk at the corner of his lips.

"Of course. Um, we're gonna play at the bar tonight. 8 o' clock. You should uh— come. Please?" John said sweetly. How could Diane ever pass up an offer from his impeccable face?

"For sure." Diane replied before walking out of the store. John turned to Nick and relaxed. Finally, he wasn't tensed up like he was around Diane. Nick just grinned at him teasingly and nodded his head towards the door.

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