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One year later......

A lot has changed in the few months Diane and John stopped seeing each other. John was now becoming more successful with Duran Duran's single Planet Earth reaching #12 on the charts. They've written new songs which have some how managed to become hits. There was no doubt he was definitely headed somewhere with this band...they've already written more songs which they were planning on making videos for. They've toured roughly all of England and now they were finally on their way to America to start touring again.

Diane left town a little over a month ago and settled down in New York City. She finally got fed up with her stupid everyday things and decided it was time for a change. Money was tight for her right now....but at least she felt happy. Happier than she's been in awhile honestly. Every ounce of her was focused on studying. She managed to enroll in NYU law school and that was all the while working her ass off having a job at the mall. Everything was all over the place right now and she was trying her hardest to juggle work and school.

One day, she was sitting at her apartment in good old Birmingham and she realized that this town had no other potential. Diane knew she couldn't stay here forever and hope for something to happen. She had to make her own future, and that's what she was determined to do once she moved to New York. It was stressful for her but she kept a straight, positive look although she was very unhappy in England.

The two had almost forgotten each other. Diane had things to focus on, and John focused on his new rise in fame. I mean....people were wanting Duran Duran for interviews and concerts now. John wouldn't have dreamed of this...and now it's happening all so quickly. Diane had heard about Johns new lifestyle and it made her jealous. He was perfectly fine and living the life while Diane was far from a perfect life.....or at least the life she was working towards.

As Diane walked the streets of New York, it reminded her of walking in Birmingham. A wave of remembrance washed over her as she passed stores and bars much like she did barely a year ago. She was still getting used to her new life in the Big Apple, and so far she was loving it. It was nearly June and Diane couldn't wait for the summer. Even though she'd be spending it alone per usual.

As Diane turned the corner she saw none other than John Taylor leaning against an entrance door smoking a cigarette peacefully. Her heart dropped out of her stomach, there's no way it was him. She hasn't seen him in so long, how would she just walk by him? Should she say hi? Or just pretend like he wasn't even there? She couldn't believe her eyes, the same guy who had broke her heart in two stood at just a couple feet away. But, maybe all that was behind her now. She couldn't let it haunt her forever.

Bravely, she took a step around the corner hoping to catch his attention somehow. Everyone seemed to pass by slowly as she took deep breaths walking step by step closer to him. It felt like a dramatic scene from a movie...she couldn't shake the feeling in her right now. It was a mix of different emotions. He looked different to say the least. His hair was now a dark black color and his clothes...were drastically changed. Diane seemed to like his new style, once again feeling envious that she hadn't changed much. This situation was very awkward and Diane didn't know what she would say to him.

"Diane?" John questioned making her whole crisis of what to say melt away. A blush spread across her cheeks, but she tried to keep a low profile. She felt like his smile didn't work for her anymore and she'd be fine just saying hi for a second but her thoughts were nothing but wrong. A mix of envy, and some kind of embarrassment built up inside her as John stopped her right before she was going to say hi to him. Putting on a fake smile was nothing but easy for her, so a smile curled at her lips as she tucked some hair behind her ears.

"I haven't seen you in ages. How are you?" John asked again like everything they'd been through was just gone. Like it didn't even happen...it made Diane feel a bit confused. Maybe she was the only one holding a grudge like this. Maybe, she needed to grow up a little bit. A small laugh came from her lips as she tried to act casually and laid back.

"I'm alright. You look....different." Diane spit out without even thinking about saying it a more polite way. Why does everything have to go wrong with me? Diane thought to herself. Johns damned smile appeared on his face making Diane feel some kind of way. She thought those feeling were gone but they were just beginning again. She could barely look at him without wanting to fall to her knees.

"Yeah, I guess I do." John said looking down to his shoes and back up to Diane's eyes. It made John feel a shock. One that he hadn't felt in so long. He thought Diane's wonderful, beautiful eyes didn't work on him anymore. Like the feeling they gave him was gone, but to his surprise it wasn't. And he knew it. Oh, but he thought Diane was probably over him already. That Diane didn't even think about him once....the two looked at each other for awhile trying to make the feelings that were definitely still there go away like it was magic.

"So.....uh, you wanna get a drink?" John asked her taking a slow drag of his cigarette. Diane wondered if she should accept or not. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? It's not like he still has feeling for her like she does him, right? Wrong. The only reason John asked was to spend more time with a girl who still had his heart. Diane looking to her watch strapped around her wrist...7:15. With a sigh and one last check in with herself Diane nodded.

"I guess one drink couldn't hurt." She said with a shrug. John smiled a grateful, sparkling smile and opened the door for her to walk in. Diane fell into a trance while she looked at his stunning grin. Her eyes traced around his face remembering why he'd won her over the first day she saw him. It made Diane feel broken. She'd never get to feel Johns lips against hers again and it made her feel so empty. Like the only thing that kept her from falling into a pit of depression was him and now it was just hitting her that he was gone.

After Diane finally walked in after a quite embarrassing moment of staring the two found a seat and starting talking about all that had happened since they parted ways. There was a lot to uncover too. Diane could talk to him for hours and hear is lovely voice. It was the music to her ears.

A/N: i know this chapter SUCKS but bare with me i needed a shitty filler chapter mkay???

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