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shit. shit shit shit. the dare he was given hurt him in a way. troy had dared him to go out with will byers. mike never hated the guy, he just never talked and talking to will never crossed mikes mind once. he was shocked, he thought why?? what if i get too attached and then it won't be a stupid dare after all?? he just sat there in disbelief.

"okay then." he said, as though not a single worry passed through his brain. "deal."

great. another day another chance for troy and his friends to beat my ass. not that i'm not used to it, though- its kind of a daily routine now.

i woke up and saw the clock. SHIT!!! 8:45 am. SCHOOL STARTS IN HALF AN HOUR! i struggled to get ready and fell over one time while putting my (cuffed 😙) jeans on and a green sweater. i put on my shoes and brushed my teeth and rushed out to see my brother, jonathan, waiting for me. he looked annoyed, so will didnt speak a word. "so, senior year huh?" jonathan said, breaking the silence. "yeah. i guess" i said sarcastically. i really wasn't in the mood.

when i got out of the car i went straight to my locker, hoping no one would see me so the jocks, (mostly troy), could beat my ass. i was rushing so my hands were trembling and i dropped some books.

mike wheeler came over to me, and i didn't even realise. he helped me pick up my books and i realised it was him and turned bright red. "oh uh- thanks." i said, i was so embarrassed.

mike wheeler? helped me? this cant be real. see, i've had a crush on mike wheeler for like, a shit long time now, and i hate myself for it. once my dad found out and he got like, so mad. he called me a fag and shit.

but i couldn't comprehend what just happened.

"no problem bud!" mike exclaimed. he seemed joyful. it was cute. like really, really cute. but why would a jock have a crush on a skinny idiot like me??

"hey will?"

"yeah?" i said straight away.

"do you uh- maybe wanna hang out some time?!?!"

WHAT!? what had just happened. this is all some sick prank. but those raven locks, his sparkling brown eyes.

"uhhhh- y- yeah, i mean- yes. i will. where do you wanna go?"

"i was maybe thinking we could go to the mall and get some ice cream and stuff?"

i was exploding with excitement. i think i blushed a bit. "yeah!! okay. i'll meet you at 1- sharp? yes?"

"okay. see you byers!!"

he called me byers. i kind of liked it in a way... i mean i did like him after all. i'm just trying to think of this as just some bro time and NOT a date. that's weird. mike doesn't like me. i knew this was probably a sick joke but i can never take my eyes off his curly, beautiful hair.

i went to class. i had science. luckily i had it with el, she was one of my best friends. well, my only one, but yeah.


i felt terrible. i knew i shouldn't do it but my reputation here has been so high throughout these (almost) four years!! i couldn't ruin it because of some stupid dare. he looked back to when he was asking will 'out' and he couldn't help but look through his beautiful hazel eyes, and his smile. his god damn smile.

no! i don't have feelings for him. no way!!!! that's totally absurd! i would nev- maybe i would but, he's adorable. his bowl cut and shit. wait? i'm falling for will byers?? no way. i talked to him for the first time today but, i never realised how cute he was, until today of course. i brushed away the thought and went to my friends.

"hey troy." i said. he said hey back and asked wether i had asked will out. i said yes and i tried to sound disgusted but i just, couldn't. i went into a bit of a daze. "mike! what are you thinking about? is it byers? are you falling for him wheeler??" i was shocked. "WHAT!! NO!! ew. gross." i felt so bad saying those four words. i never had a bigger pit in my stomach.


mike had finished his english and will had finished his science. they both bumped into each other. "oh im so- sorry- m-mike-" will stuttered out. will didnt have a stutter as such, he just had really bad anxiety. as soon as will saw mikes face he blushed. "no, byers, im sorry." will felt butterflies in his stomach but pushed them away. he picked up his stuff avoiding contact and pretty much ran away.

mike was confused as to why he ran. but he sorta went with it. he didn't wanna invade his personal space. so he went to his next class.


the day finally came. the day will would go for ice cream with his crush. his goddamn crush!!! he picked out an outfit and hesitated to put a bit of makeup on but, he left it. maybe later. he brushed his hair and brushed his teeth and tried to look as good as he could.

after a few slow, excruciating minutes, he was ready. he plopped on his normal shoes and then walked out and started to walk to the mall. he didnt wanna bike there unless mike found it childish and weird. when he arrived he looked for mike.

mike came up to him and said "will! nice to see you buddy!!" will said hi back, very shyly. mike thought it was adorable. but mike was still in denial about like william byers. i mean- it was only for a dare so- how can someone fall for
someone because of a stupid dare?

hey!! so i rlly hope u liked this chapter. i tried to make it longer!! it was 1000 words to be exact. i'm very proud of myself. thank u for like 2 views, i appreciate it. im so sorry if there's any grammar errors, it's literally 3am. i'll try write more tomorrow. mwah.
~ leo / maddie <3

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