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will just cried in els arms. they were in the empty school hall and wills cries echoed.

"hey. will. look at me." and will looked at her. "forget about that asshole mike alright?? he doesn't deserve someone like you AT ALL!! you're way too good for him. a prick that could break someone's heart to a million pieces. the t-"

el was interrupted by will. "i get he's an asshole." will let out a small chuckle, his eyes still puffy and damp from crying. "i still can't believe i fell for it. i feel like an idiot."

"you arent an idiot!! shut up." el pulled will in for a hug. will missed els hugs and company. (A/N totally random thought but mike would totally listen to sweater weather & do i wanna know on repeat) after the long hug, will felt a lot better. he decided he should go home, inviting el to come round for a sleepover. they hadn't been this close for a while. will was happy about it, he missed his best friend.

some time later, el arrived at wills house. will beamed when he saw her face and hugged her. will invited her in and they sat in his room. "what do you wanna do??" will said in an enthusiastic tone. "hmmm. let's play truth or dare."

"ughhh el we arent 12 anymore!!!"

"fine fine fine. let's listen to some stuff on your record player!!"

"hmm what do you wanna listen to??"

"anything you want. your favourite song is should i go or should i stay?!" will laughed. "no silly it's should i stay or should i go!" will burst into laughter. "oh shut up will you knew what i meant!!" el said in embarrassment. el was looking around until he saw something. it was a drawing of mike, that will had done. she picked it up. "hey will wanna burn this?? i bet it'd feel great."



"we should destroy it before we burn it. that's so much better!!" el giggled in wills response. so off they went, will poured water all over it then scrunched it up, ripping it up. he was smiling while doing this. who knew he would get over mike so fast?? thanks to el. they went up to the fire and then chucked it in there. it crackled and both of them were dying of laughter. "i miss being around you el. i'm sorry for ignoring you when i was with mike."

"it's okay silly!! you were head over heels for him i didn't wanna ruin it. i'm just glad you got over him that quick."

"yeah!! all because of you."

"awwww will. i missed you too!!" el ruffled wills brown hair.

"actually mike, i have something to tell you."

"go ahead."

"i can't tell you. i know you wouldn't mind but i'm just so scared that other people will find out.."

"hey!! tell me. i wont judge."

"i think- i think im lesbian-"

"REALLY?? OH MY GOD EL IM SO FRICKIN PROUD OF YOU I LOVE YOU!!" will hugged her and el hugged back. "jeez will it's not that much-", they were still in the hug. will pulled away and said "yes it is!! i'm so glad you found yourself!"

"well byers, i guess we're both gay then" el said with a slight smirk.

"oh no no- that thing with mike was nothing-"


"okay fine i really did like him. i don't care about him anymore though. at all." although deep down he sort of did. but he brushed it off. he couldn't. "fair enough william." will gave her a annoyed, but jokingly, stare. "whatever elanor." will said, mocking el. they both had a laughing fit again, they laughed so much their stomachs hurt. once they calmed down a little, they started telling random stories, like about things from their childhood, remember they were seniors.

"i remember once when i was in kindergarten. i bashed into someone, turned out it was— never mind."

"it was mike wasn't it??"

"yeah. we kinda became friends until the end of preschool but eh. oh my god! it's 3am-"

"shit we should go to sleep. we have a long weekend to get to."


the weekend had ended, it was sunday night. will and el had the best time, they went shopping and even had another sleepover. they made toasted marshmallows in wills backyard. will had the best time he had in a pretty long time to be honest. el was the the best!!

school was tomorrow. he dreaded the thought. he didn't want to go there because of everything, especially mike. god how he hated him still. he wasn't really over him, he just wanted to let el be happy, i mean after all she was his best friend.

he couldn't really sleep, his eyes just couldn't become tired for some reason. he was used to sleepless nights really, he had them all the time. most of the time he just drew. but he really needed some sleep. finally his eyes shut and he drifted off.

his alarm went off and he woke up so startled he fell off his bed. he stood up quickly. 7:45am. great. school. he got dressed in his again (cuffed) jeans and a green sweater (A/N listening to sweater weather rn). he sorted out his hair, brushed his teeth and had waffles for breakfast. he grabbed his stuff and left, and drove to school.

great. he arrived. he dreaded to see those doors but went in anyways. he ignored everyone except el, of course. "hey el" will said. "hey will!! how you feeling today??"

"great i guess. i just really hope i don't bump into mike."

"i understand i understand. if i do i'll give him a piece of my mind."

"el!! jeez"

"sorry will im still mad as shit!!"

"i understand."

but will got distracted. by someone. not mike, but another boy. he hadn't recognised him so assumed he was new. will went up to him and god he was beautiful.

hey yall!! okay so i'm so sorry for not publishing this sooner, i didnt have many ideas on what would happen. but there's gonna be a bit of drama hopefully;)

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