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he was so pretty. will went up to him to greet him. "hey are you new here??" will asked.

"oh- yeah i am"

"great!! what's your name?? i'm will byers"

"oh my name is jack hudson—"

"what's your first class?"

"science with ms inglis"

"same!! there's a seat at the back next to me. i'll meet you there i have to get some things out of my locker."

"okay!! see you in class." jack finished the conversation and went off.

will did have to grab a few things from his locker, and so he did. the hallway was practically empty. he shut his locker and started walking to his science class. will never enjoyed science that much, he never understood most of it.

he finally got to class, luckily not passing any jocks or popular people. he sat in his seat right at the back, jack was next to him. throughout the whole science class will was staring at jack, he was so pretty, like, gorgeous. maybe he did get over mike. which was great actually, now he didn't have to lie about it to jane!! he felt so much better now.

after the bell rang ms inglis had asked me and jack to stay behind so she could talk to them. will got so worried thinking that she saw will staring at jack. "i want you, will, to be jacks tutor as he has a lot to catch up on because he's new. is that okay??" will looked at jack and nodded saying yes, say yes, so will said "yeah yeah sure"

"thank you mr byers." ms inglis said. will smiled at jack and then went off by himself. he had art class finally! jack caught up and said, "wanna come to mine after school?? for tutoring"

"oh- y- yep yeah sure."

"okay then!! meet me at the my house at 4pm. my address is 378 myers street."

"okay jack! i gotta get to art class now bye."

and off will went. he really enjoyed art class. like, really enjoyed. (probably why i'm saying it so much)

the bell rang and it was lunch. will packed up his stuff and went out of the art classroom. jack had caught up to him. "hey will!!" he said enthusiastically. "oh hi jack."

"are we still on for the tutoring session after school?"

"yeah yeah of course i really don't have anything better to do-" will said nervously. he felt his face burn up. he was blushing?? shit.

"hey are you- blushing??" jack asked. "oh it's uhm- really hot- hot in here isn't it??"

"it's freezing in here-"

"ah yes i see el gotta fly now. bye!" will walked away, really embarrassed. he caught up to jane. "jane i have a problem."

"what's the problem??"

"i think i have a crush on jack."


"the- the new kid"

"ohhhh! him! what's so bad about that?"

"see- uhm- i have- tutoring with him after school??"

"oh." el smirked

"why are you smiling like that?!"

she stopped. "oh no- no reason. anyways let's go get lunch." will silently agreed and followed her into the lunch room. they both sat in their usual spots, and ate their lunch. will had a PB&J sandwich while el had some pasta from the cafeteria. will wasn't really focused on eating but focused on, focused on jack.

yeah yeah he knew jack for what? 2 days? but did that stop him from finding jack adorable? no. not at all!! he's just so glad he got over that asshole mike. at least jack would never do that. hopefully. after the mike thing will had been having a bit of trust issues but they're weren't like bad, will kind of expected it not to be "true love" the sappy shit.

the bell rang after a while, el and will got to catch up a bit on stuff they had been doing while mike was involved in wills life. el didn't really have an interesting life but will loved listening to what was going on in her life.

they packed up and threw away the stuff sprawled on the lunch table and then they both went their separate ways. on the way to wills english class he came across jack, thankfully. "hey jack!!" will said excitedly. "oh, hi will!!" the other boy said. will blushed a bit. why am i blushing? he said hi?? "what are you blushing at byers?" jack asked, confused. "oh uh- yeah i get to see my crush in english mi- michelle?"


"do you think i'm lying??" will said jokingly.

"no not at all. i don't know a michelle here. maybe i can meet her??"

"oh. uhm. sorry she's moving to australia after school uhm- gotta head off now! bye jack!" will ran off.

"sure, sure sure sure" jack muttered to himself.
yall im so sorry for not writing a chapter for a while i've had no inspo to write and it sucks anyways so i don't try too hard.
if you didn't know this is what jack looks like:

i didn't know who to make him look like so i just chose jack grazer

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i didn't know who to make him look like so i just chose jack grazer. anyways till next time!!
~ leo / maddie

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