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will broke. he just cried and screamed in his pillow. i cant believe i fell for it. i knew it was to mess with me he thought. then he heard the bell ring. he had forgotten mike was coming over and just thought it was some girl scout trying to sell thin mints.

he opened the door to see mikes face. he was all smiley and will was very much the opposite. before mike could say anything will slammed the door in his face and locked the door. mike kept knocking but he just ignored it, and slowly he rocked himself to sleep.

will opened his eyes, feeling sleepy. he looked at the clock and it read '3:47am'. he brushed it off and decided to go back to sleep, he had to go to school tomorrow. so he tried his all to get to sleep but he couldn't get mike off his mind. he felt so bad for slamming the door in mikes face but he was so, so mad. mostly at himself, he thought all of this was his fault, falling for it.

he tossed and turned but he couldn't even get an hour of sleep. his alarm went off. will groaned and got out of bed. he got changed into some jeans and a yellow sweater, mikes least favourite colour. he was still so mad.

he finished getting ready and then said his goodbyes and off he went to school. he drove there because his bike very much reminded him of going to mikes and stuff, so he borrowed jonathan's car and drove to school. (remember they're seniors) he arrived and he avoided mike at any cost. after a few lessons he hasn't come across mike yet so he felt relieved. when he was on his way to fifth period he heard mike shouting his name. he ignored it and walked on, but mike caught up. mike was asking questions about last night but will ignored him and his questions. he kept asking questions and when mike put his arm around will, will lost it.

"look mike, i know about the dare. you can stop caring for me now, okay? now leave me alone." will said, without any stutters. mike was in shock. he tried explaining that he actually loved him but will just walked away and into his classroom.

mike felt so terrible. how was he going to tell will he really loved him?? he wouldn't believe it. so mike made the idea of going over to his after school and explaining

(but we all know it isn't gonna end well)

after the last bell rang, will got up straight away and walked to his car. he drove home luckily without any interruptions and sat on his sofa. he just watched some random film, not really paying attention, just, staring at the wall.

he heard his door knocking and really couldn't be bothered. "GO AWAY MIKE" he shouted. "i promise will i can explain-"


"will plea-"


mike was so hurt. this was all his fault. he knew it. so he just ignored will and went back home. god how terrible he felt. he wants to really make it up to will, like, so bad. maybe if he talked to that uhm- ellie? no. elanor? that girl?? he forgot her name. so he just gave up. he knew will would find out and hate him for it. he hated himself for it. mike only wishes he could explain, but how??


it was the next day and will woke up on his sofa, he hadn't realised he slept on his sofa. he checked the time. SHIT!! shit shit shit shit. he was late. school started in ten minutes!! he got ready as quick as he could, forgetting to comb his hair. he tried to sort it out on the way there in his car. he was kind of in a rush so ignored everyone.

"will!! will please talk to me."

"no mike. you hurt me and you can't explain that."

"but will-"

"no mike! cant you understand that i don't care anymore?? you did your stupid dare so you can break up with me now."


"stop saying my god damn name!! i don't care about you anymore. you can go snog some stupid cheerleader and i'll be the lonely gay loser! just as it always was."

mike just ignored him and stormed off. will got the rest of his stuff from his locker and went to art class. he loved art class. it really took his mind off everything, and today it took his mind off mike. he just drew and drew so all of his problems would almost- go away. he loved the feeling.

meanwhile, mike was in maths and he couldn't get his mind off will. will. will will will. that's all he could think about. he felt terrible still. he was mad but also sad. god why did he have to be such a terrible person!!

after their classes, they were walking and accidentally bumped into each other. it looked like mike was going to talk but he didn't. he just walked off and will rolled his eyes.


finally. it was lunch. will went over to his usual spot and saw el there. "hey el." will said in a very unenthusiastic manner. "what's up will??" el asked.

"oh nothing. nothing."

"you can tell me anything remember?? i won't judge you."

"fine. so if you hadn't known me and mike have been dating for like a month now, and i thought it was a dream. i'd always had a crush on mike but we will get back to that later. then the other day i overheard troy and james talking about a dare mike had to do. they said that they had dared mike to date me. and i went home and i was mad. and i heard a knock at the door, forgetting mike was coming round and when i answered it, i slammed the door in his face."

"oh my god will!! why didn't you tell me sooner??"

"because i knew that it was too good to be true."

too good to be true.
hi guys !! i hope you liked this chapter. i got some drama involved so it wasn't just boring. i promise they will come back to each other soon!! slowly but surely. thank you for almost 100 views !! i'm so grateful <3
~ leo / maddie

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