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will came back into his room. he saw what mike had in his hand and the page he was on. it was the drawing of mike!! fuck. fuck fuck fuck. will thought. he snatched it off and mike jumped a little. "where did you get this?!" will said, panicked. mike struggled for words. "i- uh- uhm- it was on your de- desk-". will looked so worried. "sorry about drawing you."

"no. it's cute." mike said. will blushed yet again. "really?" he asked. "yeahhh. it's adorable."

will was so confused about what had been going on the past day or so. mike wheeler hung out with him. mike wheeler said the drawings of him were cute, adorable. will tried to keep it together but just smirked a little.

"wanna watch another movie??" will asked.

"yeah sure!!"

"okay then. i choose this time."

ugh. he was so beautiful. but he was just staring at the tv. i cant believe he's right next to me. i was watching the movie and it's pretty great. we're watching the shining.

mike then put his arm around me, again. we were close now. our legs were touching. i put my head on my shoulder almost falling asleep. i then fell asleep.


he fell asleep. on my shoulder.

no. suck it up mike. dare. just a dare. i knew he'd be so heartbroken when he found out. he couldn't find out. he just couldn't. after the film finished i slowly drifted off too.

i woke up before will. i got up and god. he was so cute.

no. that's so creepy mike. stop!! stop looking at him sleep. but- NO!! no.

i went and made some waffles. not eggos, real waffles. i really cared about him. i felt guilty because of it. he woke up and ate so he waffles. he kept smiling at me for some reason. i didn't mind. i went home after we finished our waffles on my bike. it was so hot.


monday. school. the sleepover he had with mike was amazing. great. i don't expect mike to talk to me, i'm not very popular and i understand he needs to keep his "rep" up.

i arrived at school on my bike. i put my bike on the bike rack and went in. i was first greeted by el. "hi will!!" el said. i said hi back and explained everything about that day and the sleepover. she already knew i was gay and liked mike. she was the only person i told. she was accepting of course. "OH MY GOD WILL!! THATS SO AMAZING!"

"el! calm down. it's not that big of a deal." she brushed it off and we walked to class. but before i could get there i was stopped by, by troy. he did the usual calling me a "fag" and telling me to get out of this school and join all the fairies. he then pushed me into my locker, as per usual. it sucked. no one even knew i was gay but everyone seemed to. i was on the floor and i hit my head. it hurt. bad. but i just got up and brushed it off. again, as per usual. i heard my name. "WILL! WILL!". it was mike. he walked over to me and asked if i was okay. "i swear to god i'll beat the shit ou-"

"it's fine. he can do whatever he wants to me i don't care." i said. i did care but i had to act tough infront of- him.

"no!! it's not! he's being so rude and for nothing. he's probably the fairy here!"

"he's right. i am a fucking fairy." i held tears back and forced myself a smile and said "i gotta get to class anyways. bye!" we said our goodbyes and went our opposite way.

i was alone, kinda scared of troy jumping on me around the corner. but i finally got to class. it was art. my favourite class.


after school FINALLY ended, i went to my bike, luckily i didn't see troy or anyone really, on the way. i rode home. i wasn't really in the mood to hang out with anyone today. i got home and just laid there. i couldn't get mike off my mind. does he really like me??

mike biked over to wills. he wanted to go to hang out with him again. mike was actually really happy he was going to see will.

meanwhile, will was just sat in his living room watching some random show, not really paying attention. he was kind of just, gazing. not at anything in particular, just gazing. he heard a knock on the door and probably thought it was jonathan so answered it. it was mike. "mike im not in the mood today." will said. but mike protested. "we should totally hang out! you look bored as shit!!" so will gave in and let mike in. will suggested a film and they put it on. like last time, mike put his arm around will. okay. this was when will could ask him. ask him if he really likes him. in that way. okay. do it. do it.

"hey uhm- mike??" will said nervously.

"yeah?? what's up?"

"oh uhm, i had a question"

"ask away!"

"so eh- you know how we have been hanging out more than usual- not that we ever hung out uhm-"


"well- why?? why have you suddenly started being- nice to me? you're the most popu-"

"sh." mike began. "it's because- you're a great guy- and uhm- i should've become friends with you a long time." he lied. will looked confused.

"why now? why just now?"

"oh i don't know, i never realised how cool you are. except for the part where you don't like star wars." will laughed.

"but do you like me? do you like like me?"
will wandered.

mike looked like he was holding back tears. "YES!! I DO WILL I DO! I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU ALL BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID D-" he stopped before he said it.

"some stupid what??"

"oh uhm- stupid- stupid dude. yep- he told me about you." will knew he was lying. "dont lie to me mike." mike knew he was in deep shit. he tried to make up something but it had turned out to be a "eh-" or "uhm." will was very confused about. but he brushed it off because he said he loves him. then, mike leaned closer towards him and kissed him.
yall this is the longest chapter i've written so far🥲 and tysm for 20 views !! i promise there will be some drama soon. probably in the next chapter.

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