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will woke up, realising he was in his bed, but with will. he remembered he had been beaten up. he groaned. mike then woke up.

"oh- i'm sorry for waking you up" will said, he was tired and mike could tell.

"it's okay. we're gonna go to school tomorrow anyways."

will said, "but what am i going to say? how do i explain??"

"make up some like cool story that you got attacked by a bear or something. that'd be cool." they both chuckled. it was the 4pm. will was hungry so said to mike, "hey mike want me to make some pancakes?"

"no silly!! i'll do it. you need as much rest because you have to go to school tomorrow." will tried to insist on making the pancakes but he really couldn't be bothered. he just nodded and tried not to doze off.

"PANCAKES ARE READY!!!" this startled will. he jumped out of bed and slowly walked to the kitchen. "wow mike, you can cook." mike said thanks and they ate their pancakes while exchanging smiles every now and then.

they both sat on the sofa in cuddled up while watching yet another star wars film. although will really didn't like star wars too much, he was okay with it. as long as he was with mike. ugh hes just so beautiful, to will. they watched star wars and when it (finally) finished will had already fallen asleep. mike laughed at the fact that he was so bored by star wars.

mike again, carries will to his bead and tucks him in. this time mike went home. it was a school night and he hadn't gone the day prior. when he arrived back home he lay there. eventually he fell asleep

"will?? WILL!!!!" mike said while will was being punched. just punched. he tried to move but he couldn't. he tried to scream for help but his voice had gone. he tried to run for help but his run was way too slow. once the guy has left he went over to will, crying. will wasn't breathing. he was dead.

mike woke up. STUPID DREAM!! it was so real. mike was so scared, he was so worried for will. he drifted back off to sleep not long after. he was SO tired.

school. yay. he had to confront el and worst of all, every single bully he has. which is most of the football team- only mike seems to care. i tried to think of an excuse, but i completely ran out of ideas. the ideas i did have though were ridiculous. so i'll just, ignore them, so to say.

i walked to school today. i kinda needed to get it out my system as i had been taking my bike or letting jonathan give me a lift every so often. it felt good. it wasn't warm, so to speak. it was just the right temperature, actually.

once i arrived at school everyone immediately started looking at me. then i saw el and immediately went to her. "hi el." i said. "will!! what on earth happened?"

"oh nothing i just- fell-"

"no way. i don't believe it."

"i did el. i promise."

"okay then sir will. anyways i've missed you lately. we don't talk much. is it a girl??"

"no- no. no it's not. i'm just stressed because of- school work."

el couldn't be bothered with me anymore so she just agreed. we then walked to class together and when el left to go to her french class, mike had come up to me.

"hi will."

"hi, mike!"

ugh hes so caring. i wish i was as confident as him. i wish i was out like him, i wish i was as perfect as him. but i didn't. i ha d a rough childhood and im pretty poor, and i'm gay, too. why is my life like this?? eh. whatever. i'm used to it.

"so, will."

"what is it??"

"wanna hang out, i don't know maybe at your place??" i agreed because obviously i would!! we could do our daily cuddles and watch whatever is in the tv. i was so excited!!

the day dragged for so long. a minute felt like an hour. i felt like he was at school for days. i even almost slept through art. ART!! jeez. i'm losing myself because of a boy. wow. he really loved him.

the day had ended and will was waiting for mike to finish football practice. he was sat in the art room drawing. he forgot his green colouring pencil so went to his locker. he had overheard talking but just brushed it off because it was probably some people talking about other things. but he heard his name, then mikes. he went to listen.

"i can't believe mike took that dare. i thought he'd just forfeit."

what dare? will wondered.

"he's still dating him. i dont know when the date ends really, i never actually thought about that."

wills vision became blurry, his eyes were filling up with tears. he knew that "him" is will a tear ran down his cheek and he ran to the bathroom. he locked the bathroom stall and cried a little. but then he thought, why should i be sad about this?? i should be mad. really mad. which i am. so he storms off home without waiting for mike. as soon as he gets home and in his room, he breaks.
hey!! i would've added more but id love to leave it on a cliff hanger. i'll probably write more soon because i have nothing to do. but i'll try write more at least tomorrow. i'm tired.
~ leo / maddie

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