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mike kissed him. MIKE KISSED WILL!!! will felt that butterfly feeling again. he kissed back and he couldn't pull away. he just sat there kissing his crush!!

will pulled away, and looked confused. "what is it byers?" mike said worryingly. "yo- you just- kissed me?"

"well duh what else was it??"

will blushed so hard he felt his cheeks burning up. god he was in love with mike. he cuddled up close to him and he felt SO happy. he just smiled awkwardly a lot and stared at mike mostly. will fell asleep first and mike carried him to his bed

mike kissed his forehead and he headed home. god damn it ! mike loved him. he wanted to kiss him more. and more. AND MORE!!!!


ok. i am now going out with mike, again!! we're going on a walk, which sounded nice. time alone. i got ready, i really tried to find the perfect outfit, but he just put on some jeans and a blue sweater. mike liked blue, so that's good.

i left my house telling my mom i was just gonna hang out with some 'friends'. i hadn't told her yet, or at least i don't think she knew.

i left and walked to where we were meeting. i saw his face and my smile grew wider and wider and ran towards him.

"hi mike!!"

"hi cutie."

CUTIE?? AHHH!! wow. i felt amazing.

we started to walk, it was sort of getting dark. they were just walking, talking. talking about things i never usually talked about. to anyone. i told him a lot of secrets. ones i don't even tell el.

we heard something in the trees but, we just knocked it off. probably a rabbit. but we heard it again and i got worried. mikes face looked sad, he probably saw that i looked worried.

they both began to worry now. they were holding hands but didn't even notice.

they saw someone come round.

"hey fags! having fun kissing each other's fairy asses?"

"sh- shut up!!" will said, he was terrified. neither of them knew who this boy was. but he looked old. they were terrified.

after a lot of name calling, mostly "fag" he came up to them both. will felt helpless but mike didn't. he stood up for will.

"GET OFF US!!" he shouted. the guy punched him in the stomach then pushed him to the ground. mike couldn't move. now only will was left.

the guy first kicked will over, and kicked him in the stomach multiple times. then he started punching his face, so much he blacked out. even after he had blacked out, he was still being punched.

mike could see what was happening, but the impact on his stomach made it so he couldn't move. he felt so bad. he couldn't do anything to help will. the boy eventually left, probably because he had no where left to punch.

"will.." mike said. he realised he was passed out and mike tried to run over to him, kinda half crawling.

"will?! WILL??" he was shaking him so he could wake up. but he couldn't. so mike carried him home. joyce nor jonathan were there, jon was at college and joyce had a night shift.

as soon as mike got him home he laid on his bed. he didn't wanna take him to the hospital because then he'd have to explain everything. mike was actually a pretty good guy when it came to first aid. he cleaned all the cuts he had, disinfected them, then bandaged the ones not on his face. he just put band-aids on his face. he wanted to give him space so slept on the floor right next to him.


mike woke up suddenly. he remembered what happened and checked on will. he was still asleep. he didn't wanna wake him up so mike kissed will on his forehead and sat next to him while he lay there. god. he felt so bad. he wish he could've helped. he checked if all the wounds weren't infected. they weren't. thank god.

he lay next to will, not exactly hugging him, but just resting his arm on wills side so he didn't hurt will. mike heard will grumble a little, so assumed he was waking up. will opened his eyes, he sorta looked confused.

"hey cutie." mike said, looking into his eyes. "h-hey-" will said. his head hurt. he wondered why. but then he remembered last night. oh god how did it come to this?? he was so ashamed. "mike... mike im sorry about last night."

"no!! im sorry. we should've just came to mine and snuggled a bit. i shouldn't have suggested taking a walk. i am so sorry. anyways, i decided to call in sick, for both of us today. you're hurt and i need to take care of you."

and they snuggled up, and fell back to sleep.
hi!! sorry this is kinda short. i've been watching stranger things and i've been crying over more byler fanfics. anyways i hope u enjoyed this!! sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes.
~leo / maddie

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