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will was sat on the end of jacks bed. his room was really cool, he had pictures of his friends everywhere. they were talking about random things.

"anyways, i was here to tutor you remember. we should get started."


will explained the key bits jack needed to know, boring himself by it. will didnt enjoy tutoring but he enjoyed being around jack. he had a new friend and he was able to get his mind off mike for a while. which was good. will still felt betrayed by him but he's over mike, right?

they did some work and had a laugh at a few things for a couple of hours, will enjoyed it because it got his mind off of everything bad happening, and he was grateful. will checked the time on his watch, it said 5;49pm. "hey jack... i should go, it's getting late. is that okay with you??"

"yeah sure!! same time after school tomorrow??" jack asked. "yes!! yes okay i'll be here". will said his goodbyes and so did jack, and will drove home and he walked in. he saw his dinner was ready and saw his mom. he hadn't really talked to her lately, because he was worried she would find out about him and mike. but mike wasn't 'around' anymore, as will liked to put it. "hi mom!!" will said in a cheery tone. joyce looked up and smiled. "hey will. how are things?"

"great. sorry i'm home so late i had a tutoring session with the new boy, jack."

"no worries will. come have dinner with me!"

will happily agreed and sat down. yum. lasagna. lasagna had to be wills favourite dinner. they talked while eating their lasagna, which was great, by the way. they talked about random things and it made will happy.

"so how's it with you and jane??" joyce asked. "uhm- great yeah."

"are you together or..?" she asked. "oh no no no we're- we're just friends." joyce shrugged. "you'll get a great girlfriend one day, just don't fuck up like i did.". gross. girls. will was definitely gay. like, really gay. the thought of dating a woman made him gag. "mom uhm..."

"yeah sweetie??"

"im g-

glad this lasagna was so great. yum"

joyce gave will a weird look. "anytime sweetie.". will excused himself from the table like the polite guy he is, and went to his room. he kinda just, sat there. he almost came out to his mom?? god. what was he thinking. maybe he should just stay in the closet forever and say that the mike thing was a dare, which it technically was and get married to a woman and have kids and lead a normal, happy life, until old age killed him and he wouldn't be a fucking faggot. great.

he slowly went to sleep, not really thinking about anyone, or anything for that matter. once he fell asleep he had this dream where he did do what he had suggested to himself and god he wasn't happy. will loved men and there was nothing he could do about it. i mean he didn't choose, who would want to choose to be different and getting shamed and beaten up for it? a crazy person would. in his dream he had a wife, pretty, but not attractive. will went around finding men really attractive yet married to a woman.

he woke up by the sound of his alarm and thanked that it had led him out of complete and utter hell. will realised he needed to accept who he is. that was going to be difficult but he will try. and with all that he had to tell his mom, he was in the closet for what now?? almost, 4 years?? he never told anyone except for el pretty much, but she just found out somehow. el is great though, she was so accepting.

he wondered wether his mother would accept him on the way to school, and the more he thought about it the more he thought of the scenarios. would she be accepting like jane?? or would she kick her own son out of the house?? he really needed to do this if he wanted to be truly happy.

he arrived at school and hopped out his car, locking it behind him then walking into school. he was greeted by el, thankfully, and also jack. they were sharing the classes they had and will went off to english while el and jack went to their music class together. he hated classes on his own. no one to talk to, anything. the only person he used to talk to in this class was mike, but he didn't want to see him at all. mike however, was over will, sort of. he told himself it was only a dare and it was, right?? so obviously his love for him wasn't real. so he kind of just went his own way, making out with a couple people at points. but mike had grown mad, that he liked will. so, so mad. so he started going around pushing will about, or trying to anyways. as weak as will seemed, when mike tried to push him or something, he barely moved. he fell into a locker once or twice but mike had pushed him hard.

will wondered why mike was doing this, and assumed he was just mad. (will was right) so kinda just went on with his day. mike never called him things or anything he just pushed will whenever he walked past him. will didnt mind it though, it was normal.

after the last bell rang the school day ended. the whole time he was at school dragged. he felt like he was there for days, months, years!! he'd been so nervous to come out to his mom.

he drove home and got inside, joyce sitting on their couch watching some random tv show will didnt recognise. he sat next to his mom and said hi, and started a conversation with her.


"yeah sweetie?". will was shaking pretty much, and screaming on the inside. he was so scared. but he could do it. he knew he could. if she kicked will out the house he'd just go to els, she has a nice spare bedroom?? yes. okay.

"im gay."
okay hi again yall. im so sorry that byler hasn't exactly happened yet, i'm trying to make this as long as possible. anyways i feel so proud of will asf! :] he came out to his mum i luv him. and sorry if i accidentally put mum instead of mom. perks of being a british:) ily all!! ty for like 150 views im so grateful <3
~ leo / maddie

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