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i, will byers was hanging out with the one and only mike wheeler. i was so happy. i kinda forgot half of it though, i must've been daydreaming. but anyways, mike was actually a really cool guy. yeah yeah he's a popular guy and all but like he was super nice. that's why i liked him. but remember byers, this is NOT a date. "this is a date." mike said while licking his strawberry ice cream.

my mouth was open in disbelief. "im- s- what?!"

"you heard me will. this is a date."

this was the best day ever!! i just brushed it off with a pretty suttery "okay!" and i took a lick of my vanilla ice cream (my favourite flavour)

i was overwhelmed with excitement. i couldn't keep that stupid smile off my face. it was so embarrassing.

"your smile is cute." mike said. my smile? cute?? no way. "oh- uh- thanks" i said, kind of struggling for words.

god i really meant it when i said his smile is cute. i shouldn't have said that. he hates me now i know it! i hate myself. he seemed pretty excited when i said it was a date, so, that's going pretty well.

i really hope this dare doesn't last long, will doesn't really talk. but it's cute. NO!! mike what are you thinking?? no way. it's just a stupid little dare and once it's over i can find other girls- or- or boys to be hot over.

so we ate our ice cream and went to a few shops while talking about D&D. i don't talk about it to anyone much, but will LOVES D&D, so, that's a win. "hey will? wanna come to mine after school?" i said jokingly. he answered with a yes and i was surprised he even considered it. so i nodded and said "we will go there about 3pm yeah??"

"yeah." will said.

"it's a sleepover." SHIT!! SHIT SHIT SHIT i didn't just say i wanted a sleepover. he will totally turn me down then. "oh uhm- uh- yes!! yes." i sighed with relief and then said we should head home and get ready and stuff.

as mike and will biked home, will felt all sorts of excitement while mike was confused at wether he was excited or couldn't care less? i mean he didn't hate will. but it's only one little dare so no need to fall for someone you've known for just over a day, he thought to himself. when will got home he packed up some stuff.

he lied to his mom saying he's going to dustins. he set off on his bike and felt that funny butterfly feeling again. god he hated it. he got to mikes house and it was so- so big?? and so gorgeous? wills house seemed to be quite messy now from, all the stuff that's happened in the past with lonnie and everything.

he finally arrived, not even noticing mike was waiting for him.

"hi will!!" he said. i said hi back and happily went in "oh- we will be sleeping in my basement tonight!" i replied with a quick hello and went down to the basement. wow. it was giant, it even had its own bathroom!! i set my duffle bag down on the couch. "uhm- t-this is a nice basement" i said.

"oh yeah it's nothing really. i don't really go in it anymore. troy and james and all the others are always at football games. i don't even like
football." mike exclaimed.

"but you're on the football team??" i said.

"yeah only because it's my senior year and i need to make a good impression." god his voice was so pretty. but the words coming out of it were so annoying?? but i didn't say anything. i asked to put on a movie and we ended up putting on Star Wars: A New Hope. i don't like that film very much but mike loves it! so i just went with it. we were both sat on the couch, pretty far from each other.

mike scooted over and a confused look went on my face. we were almost touching. he then did the unbelievable. he put his arm round my shoulder. i sorta flinched because of the sudden feeling, but i liked it. i smirked and
hoped mike wouldn't see that. how embarrassing.

after the really boring film, mike had suggested that we watch another star wars movie but i turned it down because i never really enjoyed star wars as much as other people. it was only
5pm at the time. mike said "why don't we go to
yours, my house is boring." i said yes because i didn't know what else to say, and my
mom was out and lonnie is long gone. not dead but, i like to think he is.

so off we headed on our bikes to my house. once we arrived i unpacked my things and mike set his bag at the end of my bed. he's so polite? so? ugh. i hate myself for liking him he's a total jerk!!

he looked around a bit and nodded in approval. "i like your room." he said. HE. LIKES. MY. ROOM?? i could totally scream right now. it was really messy though. mike didn't seem tk care so, neither did i.

his bedroom was nice. mine was plain and boring and his was choc-filled with pictures of him and his family and a girl, who i didn't recognise. "who is that??" i asked. will replied with "oh she's el, short for elanor. i met her in kindergarten." ugh she was so pretty. but wills was prettier. will said he needed to use the bathroom so i said a quick okay and when he left i sat on his bed. i skimmed around his room and saw a sketchbook. i didn't know will draws?? i resisted to look at it. i didn't wanna be rude. but i just had to. i looked, and saw all sorts of people drawn in there. his mom, his brother, el. and then i saw a drawing of me. i felt my face going red. he drew me..?
hi guys!! i hope u liked this chapter. again if there are any mistakes i highly apologise i feel pretty sick rn. i really hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully the next chapter will be a little less boring! <33 lov you all.
~ leo / maddie

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