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will was crying in his moms arms, hoping for acceptance. "i've known for ages." joyce suddenly blurted out. will sniffed and said "what??"

"i've known. the way you look at mike and other boys, it's so different to the way you look at girls."

"that's a bit embarrassing-" will said and sighed. "so you accept me??" he said with quiet sobs. "of course sweetheart, of course i do. you're my child either way." joyce said and hugged will. will smiled and hugged back. his mom accepted him. god he felt great. "so do you have a crush on mike??"

"jee mom- no not at all. i used to but- never mind. it's not important."

"okay then. well just remember i love you so much." joyce pulled him in a hug again and then will left and went to his bedroom. he couldn't keep that damn smile off his face. now he could tell his mom almost everything about his crushes without having to worry she'd kick him out the house. will was so relieved. so happy.


will woke up to the sound of his alarm. stupid alarm. he turned it off and got out of bed, and he got ready for school. he put on some cuffed jeans as per usual and a red knitted sweater. (miles vibes) he brushed his hair, sorted out his backpack, brushed his teeth then headed off to school.

he got in his car and he turned on the radio. 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' by The Clash was playing. he loved that song. jonathan said it was the first song he listened to when he got into "real music". he assumes it's just music jonathan likes. he remembers when jon played him the song. his mom and lonnie were fighting about something random, so jonathan came in and put it on to tone out the shouting.

once the song finished he arrived at school not too long after, parking his car near the back end of the car park. once he walked in he was greeted by jack, then el. jack was kind of in their friend group now. i mean, will wasn't complaining. he loved his little talks with jack. he loved tutoring him. and then it came to him. shit!! will forgot to go tutoring, he was too busy coming out to his mom. "hey jack, i'm sorry that i didn't come tutoring yesterday, i was busy. i'll come tonight.". jack shook it off. "no no it's okay, i ended up going to the movies anyways. and yes, you can come tonight!"

will smiled at jack and jack smiled back. jack was so pretty for fucks sake!! will thought. he then wondered what mike was up to. probably going around bullying people so he could take his anger out on other people and not him. what was he so angry about anyways?? because will found out that it was a dare?? "pathetic." will said. "what??" el and jack asked. "oh nothing- nothing. i was thinking to myself and must've said it out loud. anyways, what does everyone have first?? i have history."

"oh. me and jack have- geography."

"great. another lesson by myself and with mike there too. fucking great."

"someone's in a bad mood??" el said.

"im just sick of seeing that idiots face. anyways gotta fly now, bye!!" they said their goodbyes and off will went to history. they learnt about WW2. will found it sort of interesting, most of it was pretty boring though. the first half of the day dragged on for so long. once the lunch bell finally rang, will packed up his stuff and went over to their usual table.

"hi guys."

"oh hi will!!" el said. jack also said hi and they had lunch together. he liked his little bubble of friends, he didn't need many. once they finished lunch they went to 5th and 6th period. those went kind of fast, because befote will knew it, it was the end of the day. he went home, said hi to his mom and went in his room. he decided to draw something, as it'd take his mind off of things. he drew el, thinking she'd like it. but he wanted to draw jack. but that'd be weird right? drawing someone you've known for not that long. will had a tutoring session with jack in 10 minutes so after he finished the drawing he set off to jacks.

he was in the car listening to random music. he was sort of, happy, in a way. he was excited to see jack. but he knew he shouldn't have these feelings for him because jack is his friend, and he didn't really trust many people after the mike thing. he sort of forgot about mike, which is a good thing.

once he arrived he got out of his car and knocked on the door. javk answered and will smiled. "hi jack." will said. jack greeted him and let will inside.
lmfao im so sorry this isn't v long or interesting

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