late update

953 14 4

Mal Pov. 

I wake up rudely to sunshine shining into a room that is not mine and groan as I feel someone's chin resting on my shoulder and hear Ben’s husky, I just woke up voice whisper “Good morning beautiful 

” I groan again and burry my face into a pillow that smells very much of Ben’s cologne reminding me I had stayed in his room last night after my bridal shower thing that in my opinion was not necessary.  

 Mumbling just loud enough for him to hear “Let me sleep” before pulling the covers up over my face making Ben move his head he chuckles slightly, and I feel him lightly drawing circles on my back with one hand while pulling the covers off my head with the other. Groaning I try and pull them back up but that just ends with me giving up after many whines in protest. 

 Sighing he wraps his arms around me turning me so I am now facing him and says “I let you sleep in as long as I could hon, were supposed to meet Evie and my mom to start wedding plans in an hour” Groaning I Barrie my head into is chest whining "I don’t waaaaaannnnaaa” 

 Chuckling once again I feel him place a soft kiss on my head “Looks like my little dragons grumpy today” he says knowing that it is going to get a reaction out of me. Looking up at him I roll my eyes as he smiles and kisses my forehead 

 “You know you love me” smirking I reply, “hmmm do I?” 

 Rolling his eyes and chucking he kisses me softly and pulls away “You're so freaking adorable” he says smiling cutely causing me to blush a bit before I sit up and sigh.  

“I guess ill go back to my room and get ready” Him sitting up also he nods and pecks my lips “See you in a bit” Smiling slightly I get up and say a quick “Love you” before heading off to my room in the castle to shower and change.  

*Timeskip An hour or so later* 

Mal pov. 

“What are the chances those two have already somewhat planned our entire wedding and are just waiting for approval from us?” I say to Ben as the limo pulls up to Evie’s starter castle.   

“I’d say pretty high considering my Mom told me about a binder she's been keeping full of ideas for our wedding since Cotillion” Ben says as he gets out of the limo me not far behind him.  “Really?!” I say smiling as I stifle a laugh shaking my head slightly, “well I mean it kind of makes sense considering Evie’s been designing different versions of a wedding dresses for me when we started dating” I say earning a chuckle from Ben as we go in the house meeting Evie and Belle in the Kitchin and taking our seats next to each other sitting across from Evie and Belle. Ben resting a hand on my thigh. 

After a bit of small talk Belle reaches in her bag pulling out a binder along with two notebooks handing one to me and one to Ben. 

 I look up at Evie raising an eyebrow and she smiles saying “First you guys need to decide on dates for most importantly the wedding obviously along with photoshoots days for photo shoots, Cake tasting, For Mal dress fittings and so forth. Along with a guest list so we have an idea of how many to order plus many other things. “ 

Giving Ben a ‘this will be stressful” look I sigh and look back at my friend and future Mother-In-Law “Okay so.... what's first?” I say uncertainly as I feel Ben’s squeeze my thigh in reassurance. 

“You might want to start with the date for the actual wedding, so we know how much time we have to do well.... Everything else” Belle says smiling slightly 

“Okay...” I say looking at Ben “So... When do you want to get married, I guess?” chucking slightly he squeezes my thigh “Whenever you want, I'm happy if you are” Groaning I roll my eyes “If you're going to be like that the whole time why are you even here?” I ask trying not to sound rude. Chucking he shrugs “I’ll help you with other things, but I want to let you choose this” He says smiling slightly 

Sighing I say under my breath “Okay....that doesn't help” 

“Well, I'd prefer to do it when it's not quite freezing outside but not during the blistering heat so.... early fall? Like September? 

Everyone else nods and I smirk looking at Ben “I picked now you pick the day” Smiling he nods and looks at the calendar on the first page of the notebook “The 15th? That’s a Saturday so people should be free along with letting us either leave for our Honeymoon the next day or that same night depending on the times you decide”  

Laughing slightly, I roll my eyes “I’ll figure that out later......” Smiling Evie nods “Okay so September 15th it is that gives us a little over 2 months which should be plenty of time... Now color choices?” 

*time skip a few hours later* 

After a few hours of planning things like floral arrangements and décor along with photoshoots and cake stuff we decide to wrap it up for the day.  We sat and talked for a while eventually Belle left and not long after I see Ben stand up in the corner of my eye as I'm talking to Evie. 

I continue talking to Evie as I feel Ben massage my sholders a bit before whispering in my ear “I got to go”. Sighing I look back at him “Okay see you later?” Thinking for a second he replies, “Possibly but if not, I'll shoot you a text either tonight or tomorrow sometime” I nod and peck his lips “Okay bye”. He smiles slightly and starts to walk out “See you later Evie, Love ya Mal” Smiling I shout as he walks out the Door “Love you to “ 

Once Bens out of earshot Evie smirks and says “So....” “What?” I saw looking up at her confused “Theres one thing we forgot to go over.... you guys have anything planned for the honeymoon?” She says smirking slightly.  

Blushing I state honestly “Honestly Evie I have no idea I know were going somewhere for 2 weeks to a place Ben want to be a offence but I'd prefer to only discuss my honeymoon with the person I'm going with saves me the embarrassment and teasing” Evie laughs a bit and nods. 

 Dragging me to her studio thing and starts taking my measurements along with discussing what I want my dress to look like. 


Sorry it's so late I had some technical issues I'm trying to update more frequently but the reality is that probably won't happen so sorry about that. Also sorry I was supposed to give people shout outs but I kinda forgot who. So sorry.

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