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Just randomly came up with this at midnight so ya...

Mal pov.

I was walking to my room like usual when SURPRISE! I'm mobbed by the press. So now I am currently pinned against a wall on the side of the castle ( She moved to the castle after graduation) that almost nobody ever goes to. I really am not a fan of having twenty cameras filming me when Ben is with me. He knows it makes me nervous and I cling to him like a baby to her mother seeking protection. I mean twenty people asking you a hundred questions at once while shoving microphones in ur face is not pleasant. When Ben is here he usually shields me away from them knowing I don't like it. He also answers the questions for me. Seriously how does he not punch these people? I'm knocked out of my train of thought when The reporters move closer to me pinning me tighter to the wall. I couldn't move to save my life. One reporter could kiss me right now if he wanted to that's how close they are to me. As they keep pushing me against the wall tighter and tighter I can't even move my arms all I hear is Mal! MAL! Mal! Mal! Mal over here! Mal! Ok I can't take this anymore I try moving but they just move closer. I start going into panic. Ben? I whisper to myself a couple times. I look around to see if I can see Ben or really anyone at this point. But nope just reporters. My chest gets tight and I start feeling like I can't breathe. I try to breathe but can't. Ben? Pls Pls help me.

Ben pov.

Me and my parents are eating lunch together in my mom's rose garden when my mom says Ben I know it's early but you really do need a queen. Are you gonna ask Mal? I sigh. Yes I'm gonna ask Mal eventually I... . I was in mid sentence when lumanaire came up to us. Your Highnessess the palace guards have reported a mob of reporters on the South side of the castle. We don't know what it is but I thought you should know. He says. The first thing I think of when he says this is Mal. I look at my parents and say Mal. My mom pipes in are you sure? Have you seen her today? I reply. No I haven't seen her but I still need to go check she might need help. I stand up and start running towards the mob of reporters. Once I turn the corner I immidently see the mob. I can tell they have someone pinned to the wall but who? I know for sure that if it's Mal she is gonna be a mess when I get to her. I run into the group of reporters. No One seems to notice me. I make my way towards the person being mobbed by reporters. I am almost there but can't tell who it is. Then I hear the faint sound of someone trying to breathe but failing miserably. Mal. I know for sure it's Mal now I make my way to her and can see her now but can't reach her. She's pinned to the wall with tears streaming down her face, she's shaking and trying hard to breathe but failing. She's having a panic attack...

Mal pov.

I can't breathe PLEASE SOMEONE help me it hurts make it stop!! I want to yell but can't. Ben please! Please Ben. My vision starts to blurr. I-i a-am g-gonna d-die. I just about pass out until I feel someone grab my arm and pull me towards them.

Ben pov.

Once she's within reach I grab her arm and pull her towards me. She doesn't realise it's me. I just need to get her outta here.I pick her up bridal style and carry her into the castle. I lay her down on the nearest couch. And kneel down beside her. I grab her hand and whisper to her. Mal honey it's me Mal its Ben your gonna be okay I promise. Just breathe Mal follow my breathing in out MAL  follow my breathing hon she starts slowly breathing again. When her breathing goes back to normal. She starts crying her eyes out. I pull her into a hug she immidently barries her head into my chest. Hugging me tightly. I rub circles on her back and say. Shhh honey its okay I got u ur safe now. She eventually cries herself to sleep. I just sit there watching my Dragon sleep and rubbing her back.

For the next couple days Mal was extremely clingy refused to leave Ben's bedroom. And would not be out of his arms for more then five minutes.

Sorry bad ending but I gotta go to bed it's almost one am. Hope you like!

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