Morning's and routines

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This takes place after D3 and like after bal is married and like yeah

Scenario 1 ⬇
Ben pov.

I wake up to my alarm going off and sit up or at least sit up the best I can with Mal snuggled into me and reach over to turn the alarm off Hearing Mals cries in protest as she hugs me tighter and barries her head in my chest. "Mal baby time to get up" I say softly. She groans snuggling into me more then she already was that is if that was even possible . She lets out a small Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I know you want to sleep more but you know we can't MY queen i say rubbing her back. But I wanna sweep mal says in a soft baby voice. C'mon Mal let's go i say pulling her of of me and getting out of bed. Mal sits up and says I don't wanna! While glaring at me. I chuckle as I button up my shirt . If there's one thing I've learned is that it's a process getting Mal to get up in the morning and to let her take her time. Also that she gets really clingy when she first gets up. Mal gets out of bed and walks over to me wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on the crock of my kneck. Which I've learned is one of her favorite places to lay her head. "Hi princess I say while trying to slip my shoes on. I hear a muffled Hi in return from where she was resting her head. I decide to give MAL some extra attention knowing that's what she likes in the mornings. I wrap my arm's around her and pull her into a hug,and kiss her head. While I rub a hand up and down her arm. Imma go shower Mal said in her adorable "I've just woken up so don t talk to me voice" ok I'll see you at breakfast Love TTYL. 💜

Scenario 2. Attention

Mal pov

I had just finished up the last of my paperwork of the day and decided to go chill out in me and Ben's room. I open the door to find my husband on our bed reading a book. I go lay down next to Ben and check my phone wow I've been working for almost three hours and have 0 notifications some social life am I right? I play a couple of boring iPhone games and get bored very quickly I lay my phone on the nightstand and lay my head on Ben's shoulder hinting that I want attention . He obvious ly doesn't catch on so I move closer to him and snuggle into him more still nothing c'mon man catch a hint! I then put my head under his arms trying to lay on his chest and wrap his arms around me. He FINALLY responds saying 'hi mal " and going back to his book. I grab his arm and try and put it around me failing in the process he sighs and wraps the arm I was just messing with around me. I attempt to barrie my head into his kneck forcing him to stop reading. He let out a sigh and said " someones needy today " while pressing his lips to my cheek. I quickly reply saying oh just shut up and do what I want. He chuckles and says of course my lady.

Yikes that was a bad one came up with it in English today you know how you come up with an idea and when you write it out it sounded better in your head then what it was yeah that's the last one for ya.

Sorry that was short couldn't come up with anything else so yeah at least I updated

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