Screams and Haunted House's

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So I know typically Ben would probably be the one who gets scared but where's the fun in that? So let's just say Auradon has made Mal rly soft. So like yeah here we go! The video up there is my local haunted house the year I went through it and almost had to be escorted out of it's still operating today and is the 2nd scariest in the state!

Ben pov.

Today's October 31st aka Halloween 🎃 and the day I finally convince Mal to go to "the scariest haunted house in Auradon"  it probably is now that the barrier is down and the place probably hired some Vks to spice it up a bit. But that stuff has never really scared me, but it probably will scare Mal. It probably reminds her of her tortuous past and what her Mom would put her through. But she's going tonight wether she likes it or not. I should probably text her so she knows what's going on.

Bhey princess you doin anything tonight?

M. Not that I know of evies gonna be with Doug so idk what Imma do.

B. You up for a date tonight?

M. Yeah sounds fun anything in particular you want to do?

B. Umm yeah I was thinking we could go to that Haunted house over by Shernwood Forest


B. Hey hey just hear me out

M. Ben I'm NOT going

B it'll be fun! And I'm not giving you the choice. I'll pick you up at 9 💜 u

Mal pov.

THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY HE'S GONNA GET ME TO GO! He knows that I HATE that stuff. I would stab myself in the eye before I went to that.

Time skip 9p.m.

Mal pov.

'knock knock ' someone knocks on the door and without thinking I rush to go open it to find no-other then Ben ON SHIP I yell when I see him and I try to close the door. He smirks at me a holds the door open and says "nice try  baby girl Let's go princess "  stuttering I barely make out " I-i B-b-Ben n-n-NO. And he of course knowing me better steps inside the room and closes the door and then wraps his strong 💪 arms around me and whispers in my ear, "Shhh gorgeous Dragon it's gonna be ok I won't leave your side the entire time I'll hold you however you want sweetie but I think you're going to like it. And if you cooperate with me I'll take you to Hot coco and chocolate 🍫 covered strawberries afterwards ok?" He asked  Fine I sigh but I also get cuddles afterwards I say in a baby voice . "Of course darling" He then replied  " ok let's go Malie " He says grabbing my hand and helping me out into the car.

Ben pov.

The second we stepped out of the car I heard mal say to herself " ok I rly don t like this "  I sigh and wrap my arm's around her waist and say  c'mon malzie let's go get our tickets she breathes in and says to me "o-ok ". Once we get our tickets we go get inline the line is not to long but thankfully (for Mals sake) Not to short As we get closer to the front I can feel Mal start shaking in my arms. I hug her tighter and whisper to her, it's ok little Dragon 🐉 I got you. She wraps her Arms around my waist tightly and tries to Barrie her head into my kneck. I run my hand  up and down her back. That's when I look over and see a sigh that says...

( yeah I made that myself and it SUCKS but hey it works I guess!)

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( yeah I made that myself and it SUCKS but hey it works I guess!)

Ben pov.

Crap!! I mumble to myself. Well there goes promising to stay by her side. WHAT no what am I thinking I WILL stay by her side. I WILL hold her when she gets scared and or starts crying. I won't let them touch her. Ben? B-b-Ben hmm? I say coming out of my trance to see what mal said only to realize that we are in the front of the line. Oh right I give the lady our tickets and we walk into the first room. To find a girl in a simple costume who starts telling us the rules or whatever but when she gets to the part about being touched and or separated from ur group I hear Mal quietly whimper and tighten her grip on me. The lady gives us our lantern and tells us to start walking when the light above turns green and she walks away. As we stand there I hear Mal whimper and then feel her start shaking in my arms. I try and calm her down by saying, Hey I know ur scared honey but listen to me I am not gonna let them separate us ok it's gonna be ok my love 💘 . I tell her that while hugging her. The light turns green and we go through the first door and enter a hallway with lots of creepy photos and cobwebs. I feel Mal tighten her grip on me so I start rubbing her back. All of a sudden the door slams behind us and I hear Mal scream. But figure that it's best if we just keep moving so I can get mal out of hear as quickly as possible. As we continue through the house there's a couple places where things made Mal scream and a few that made her cry. We entered this one giant ball room that had absolutely nothing in it when I hear the door slam behind us and the lights go off including our lantern I figure that this is where they try to separate us. When the lights went off was when Mal started panicking. She hugged me tight and kept saying over and over Ben I don't like this I wanna go home Ben please! I wanna go home! Knowing she was terrified I let her snuggle into me. We stand there for a while not knowing what to do or where to go until I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I look behind me and thankfully the lantern came back on and I see a man with wearing a suit covered in blood holding a knife 🔪  I turn back to Mal and see three more people who look just like the man coming towards us. Two of them grab Mal and start forcing her out of my arms . By now Mals crying her eyes out as she reaches for me. I try to walk towards her but the other two Men grab my arms . I growl and get out of there grip and run towards the sound of Mals screaming and crying.  They force her through this secret door in the wall and close and lock it right before I get to her.  The other two Men lead me through a different door. From then on I'm in a dead on Sprint 🏃 to get to my girl 💜.  I eventually get  to a room that had a mad scientist in it and a girl strapped to a table. She sees me and screams and cries HARD. I immidently realize something that's my Mal! I go untie her and she immidently snuggles into me crying her eyes out, and whispers to me Ben I don't like this can we go home now? Please Ben I wanna go cuddle. I sigh and say we gotta get to the end were almost there I promise. We finally think were home free when we walk into a corn maze that has a sign that says...

               If you want to escape find your way out of the maze!
            BE CAREFUL! Watch out for Chainsaws and clowns MWAHAHAH!!!!

Mal pov.

I hate this so much I just wanna go home! As we walk into what looks like a corn maze I see the sigh  and grab onto Ben tighter. He starts maneuvering is through the maze when we come to a dead end. The a clown with a chainsaw jumps out towards us and starts chasing us. As were running I trip on something and fall. BEN! I cry out he turns around runs to me picks me up and continues running. By the time we finally make it out we had at least 6 clowns chasing us. As promised Ben takes me to my favorite cafe and let's me get whatever. When we finally get home and get in bed I can't sleep im still rly shaken up. I tell Ben and he says to me Go to sleep Angel I won't let anything happen to you. With that being said I snuggle into Ben and sleep amazing knowing that Ben will ALWAYS protect me.

Sorry bad ending sorry I suck at updating oh yeah update on my grandpa he's doing well and was released from the hospital a couple weeks ago thanks for all the well wishes! Seeing I probably won't update til November HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA BE? I'M BEING SPIDER GWEN

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