2. Nightmare s

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Sorry got this up late hope u like trying to make chapter's longer

Mal pov.

It was about 1:30 am. When I woke up sweating like dogs. That was a bad one. Recently she has been having nightmares
Just about every night 🌙. This one was not the worst one she'd had been definitely not the best. I was pretty hot so I decided to get out of bed and change. Once I had finished i walked back to my bed while doing that I glanced at evies bed to find it empty. I then remembered that she and Doug had left to go to the mines for spring break. Leaving me here to hopefully get to spend some time with Ben and work on my latest painting.

Time skip 1 or 2hr later
Mal pov.

A hour or two later I woke up screaming again! But this time it was much much worse than before. This was probably the worst nightmare I've had in a long time. I was back in the isle in my mother's clutches, and she made me watch as the torched Ben
And in then made me kill him. At this moment all I wanted was my to snuggle up to ben and cry. I didn't know what time it was. So I quickly muttered a teleportation spell so I wouldn't have to walk to the castle. Once I found my way to bens room I very slowly opened the door figuring that he was asleep. But once I got in there I found his bedroom empty. Where could he be? Then I saw the light that was coming from bens study. Why one earth 🌎 was he still up? I quietly crept into his study to find ben working on PAPER WORK!! I decided it would be fun to scare him. So I snuck up behind him and put my hands over his eyes .

Ben pov.

It was about midnight when I remembered I had a very important paper that was due tomorrow. So I quickly got out of bed and went to work on it. I realized it was longer than I'd expected it to be. Eventually I lost track of time and just kept on going. I was about 3 forth of the way done with it when I felt somons hands go over my eyes my first instinct was to face the intruder . So I immediately jumped up and threw a fist 👊 at the intruder. But I very quickly regretted that decision when I realized it was mal. I could tell easily that she had been crying and is now holding back tears 😢. So I immediately pulled her into a hug while apologizing about a zillion times. Once she calmed down a bit I asked her what she was doing up. "I had a nightmare and wanted you" she said her voice shacking . What are you doing up she then asked me. I had to finish up some paper work. How about we get you back to bed I said as I picked her up bridal style. I took her back to my room and laid her down on my bed. I quickly changed and got under the covers. She almost immediately snuggled into my chest. Mal i whispered into her hair. Ya the said softly. Can you tell me what it was about. She shook her head no and started crying in my chest. I decided to talk to her in the morning about it. For now I decided to just hold her close and let her cry herself to sleep while I rubbed her back. After about a half hour she finally fell asleep 😴. So I decided to go to sleep. Holding my beautiful girlfriend close.

I hope u liked sorry terrible at updating. About 651 words! I'm doing better I hope anyway peace out.


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