Sick Little Dragon 🐉

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Hey so I know this won't be published till tomorrow I think? But ya hope y'all like this story. The fight part 2 will come soon promise!

Mal pov.

I woke up this morning feeling horrible but I know I have to go to school and ugh I have to go to a ball with Ben tonight. Well I guess I'll just fake. Fake it till you make it right?

Time skip at school ( I'm lazy and did not know what to write so ya)

Ben pov.

I had just gotten out of my class and had a free period with Mal so I decided to go find her. I eventually found her at her just leaning against her locker. Something must be wrong with her. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. She almost immediately snuggled into my chest and I knew something was up. Hi baby I said to her. I heard a muffled hi as she said it into my chest. I decided it would be best to just ask her what s wrong instead of trying to figure it out my self. Mal are you okay ? I asked. She looks up at me and said yes 👍 why? You look kinda miserable baby. I said . Ummm ya i-im f- fine she stutterd . I knew she wasn't fine she never stutters unless something was wrong. You sure? I asked. BEN IM FINE OKAY! She snapped. Okay okay calm down baby . The bell rang signaling the end of our free period. I umm have to go to class see you tonight she said. Ya okay Love you bye. I said. I knew something was up she was just to stubborn 😣 to admit it. I'll figure it out tonight.

Mal pov.

As I walked to class I thought about the conversation with Ben.I didn't mean to snap at him. I hope I didn't give anything away. Honestly I'm miserable but Shhh don't tell anyone!

Time skip at ball

Mal pov.

Me and ben had just gotten to the ball and I was dying already. Why do I have to be sick? After we talked to some people. Ben asked me to dance I rly did not want to but I had to make sure ben does not think something s wrong.

Ben pov.

Me and mal went to dance. I put a arm on her waist and held her hand with the other. While we danced I could tell just by looking in her eyes something was wrong. Then I realized her hand ✋ felt rly warm. Is she sick? We stopped dancing 💃 and I whisper in her ear to come with me. I take her to the corner of the room. And put my hand on her cheek to make it seem natural so when I put my hand on her forehead to see if she has a fever. I slowly move my hand to her forehead and feel. Wow! She's burning up ☝. No wonder she has been so snuggly. All night 🌙 when ever she had the chance she would lay her head on my shoulder or chest. I whisper into her ear I know ur sick. She quickly replies what are you taking about I'm fine . I then say Mal we both know that you aren't feeling well. C'mon lets go back to my room so you can get better. But beeeen she whines. Mal sweetie I know you don't fell good . Just admit it honey ok? I pick her up bridal style. Despite her whines saying she's fine and to put her down. Fyi the ball is at bens palace. I tell my parents and they agree that we should go. Eventually mal gives up the act and groan s\ whimpers while snuggled into my chest. Note to self Mal is rly cuddly when sick. We get to my room and I lie her on my bed and put the blankets on her. I try and walk away but she whimpers while holding her hand out for me. I kneel down next to Mal and tell her that I will come lay with her in a minute. I go and get a sick package 📦 that I always have in my room. Which includes a bowel, pills, a thermometer, and a wash cloth. I set the bowel next to her. And if on cue she starts to throw up. In the bowel. While she does I hold her hair 💇 and rub circles on her back. Once she is finished she starts to cry. I hug her shoulders and then go empty the bowel and set it back by her. I then grab the thermometer and gently say Mal can I put this in ur mouth 👄 for a sec? She nods still crying I put it in and hug her until the timer goes off and I take it out I get up and she again reaches for me. One sec baby one sec I say softly. I put the towel in cold water ring it out. I place a soft kiss on her forehead before putting the towel on. I grab some water and a pill 💊 and say, little dragon will u take this for me? She whimpers and shakes her head no. Pls baby I say it will make u feel better. I finally get her to take it . Then I lie down next to her she snuggles into my chest and I wrap my arm around her. I turn the light off. And hold her close until she falls asleep 😴. Lord I love 💘 her. I take care of her for the next couple days on the second or third day Jay texted me saying...
J heads up Mals a cuddler while sick

B rly? Haven't noticed sends pic of mal snuggled up to him.

B but when is she not around me?

J lol

Mal eventually recovers and is back to her old self.

Yay over 1000 words!!! So I'm gonna rewrite the first chapter more word on that later in just not very happy ☺ with it. Also special shout out to my cousin Congrats on your wedding !! Have a happy honeymoon Kayla and Michael!! Imma update soon! Ok so over 650 reads the so much! Hey y'all leave me some ideas comon y'all heads up I usually don't say y'all I am not southern lol. Anyway peace ✌ out

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